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不会出差错。No mistakes could arise.

鼻癌是怎样产生的?。How does nose cancer arise?

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我梦见了你的倩影。I arise from dreams of thee.

很多网上罪行出现。Many web-related crimes arise.

我心中涌起的思绪和感慨。The thoughts that arise in me.

起来吧,希优顿王的骑士。Arise, arise. Riders of Theoden!

那么,风是怎么形成的呢?But whence does the wind arise ?

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我喜欢把他气得火冒三丈。I enjoy getting arise out of him.

图像解译时也会出现问题。Issues arise in deciphering images.

为什么……很多问题出现在我的脑海。A lot of questions arise in my mind.

它何年去世,又将何时起身。What year it died, when 'twill arise.

名法只是通过意门出现。Namas arise only through the mind-door.

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事故往往起因于粗心。Accidents often arise from care lessness.

很快各地出现了大屠杀。And sure enough, pogroms arise in places.

牧师、长老和执事是怎样兴起的呢?How do pastors, elders and deacons arise?

有如巨人冒出了海水的泡浸。Arise like Titan from the sea's immersion.

一提起她的名字,许多往事历历在目。As her name comes up, many memories arise.

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它是修久了将来自然地发生的事情。It is something that will arise naturally.

种子耗尽,渴爱不再。The seed consumed, cravings no more arise.

这样一定会惹起数不清的麻烦和不满。So will there arise much contempt and wrath.