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我完全傣在偶然喻见了她。I met her by sheer chance.

论脸皮厚,你可算是天下第一。For sheer cheek, you're it.

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简直是浪费时间。It's a sheer waste of time.

他的脸充满了怨恨。His face sheer spitefulness.

这完全是凭空捏造。This is a sheer fabrication.

这完全是凭空捏造。This is a sheer fabrication.

只能说是命运的播弄。It was sheer jugglery of fate.

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只是能说是命运的播弄。It was sheer jugglery of fate.

他的故事实在是一纯属捏造之事。His story was a sheer concoction.

对我们来说,这是纯粹的务实性。For us, it was sheer practicality.

作这件事是你真正的享受。You do it for the sheer enjoyment.

我认为那仅是一场生命的浪费。It was to me a sheer waste of life.

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悬崖峭立于海面。The cliff rises sheer from the sea.

这山太陡峭了,不能爬。The mountain was too sheer to climb.

要这样的价钱简直是明火执仗的抢劫。To ask such prices is sheer robbery.

他扣下那封信纯粹是出于报复心理。He withheld the letter out of sheer _.

一种可能的解释是纯粹的无知。One possible answer is sheer ignorance.

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那出戏剧纯属政治宣传。The play is sheer political propaganda.

薄绸是一种极薄的丝绸或人造丝织物。It's very difficult to climb a sheer cliff.

她嫁给他纯粹是任性。She's marrying him out of sheer perversity.