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这是个工场Here is a workhouse.

她在济贫院呆了多久了?How long was she in the workhouse?

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你是要去卡斯特桥济贫院吗?You're going to the Casterbridge workhouse?

最后,这个乞丐常去济贫院。The beggar at last resorted to the workhouse.

家是女孩的监狱,女人的劳教所。Home is the girl's prison and the woman's workhouse.

在济贫院里是从来不会发生这种事的。Back in the workhouse this would never have happened.

好象范妮·罗宾死了,死在卡斯特桥济贫院里了。I'm afraid Fanny Robin's dead, ma'am. Dead in the Casterbridge workhouse.

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一天,班布尔先生在济贫院外面遇见了当地的棺材店老板索尔贝里先生。One day Mr Bumble met the local undertaker , Mr Sowerberry, outside the workhouse.

但三个指印说服了他,于是他便带着孩子们离开了济贫院。He was convinced by the three marks, and the children were taken from the workhouse.

我和他提起贫民院厨房浪费的那些食物,谈了我对此的看法。Then I told him about the wastage of food in the workhouse kitchen, and what I thought of it.

他们一起商量了一些济贫院的事,然后班布尔先生满怀希望地看着茶壶。They discussed some workhouse business together, and then Mr Bumble looked hopefully at the teapot.

我还在贫民院的午餐桌上有了一席之地,享用了一顿前所未有的饕餮大餐。Also, I had my dinner from the workhouse table, and it was one of the biggest meals I have ever eaten.

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选址地仅能容纳一屋之深的建筑,因为一个教养所和一个警察局紧靠它的后身。The site only allowed for the building to be one room deep, as a workhouse and a barracks lay immediately behind.

奥利弗大声哭着。假如他已经知道自己是一个济贫院的孤儿,他可能会哭得更响些。O liver cried loudly. If he could have known that he was a workhouse orphan, perhaps he would have cried even more loudly.

接着西蒙斯夫人雇了一辆四轮大马车把伊莉莎和夭折的孩子送到救济院的医院。Mrs Symmons sent for a hackney coach to remove Eliza and her dead child from her house to the Marylebone Workhouse infirmary.

诊所开张不久就以“妨害公众罪”的名义被查封,并且桑格姊妹被送进囚犯工厂服了30天的劳役。This clinic was immediately closed as a "public nuisance", and the Sanger sisters were sentenced to 30 days in the workhouse.

他们驾车进镇子时,他看到了棺材店老板索尔贝里先生的房子,以及他曾在其中过着囚徒生活的济贫院。Then, as They drove into the town, he saw the house of Mr So werberry the undertaker, and the workhouse that had been his prison.

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下午三点钟,我离开贫民院的厨房,回到收容站,越发感觉食堂里拥挤不堪,乏味和烦闷得让人崩溃。At three I left the workhouse kitchen and went back to the spike. The, boredom in that crowded, comfortless room was now unbearable.

验尸审讯开始前,陪审员们必须被领到楼下地下室放置婴儿尸体的停尸房。Before they can settle down for the inquest the jurors must be taken downstairs to the workhouse mortuary in the basement to be shown the body of the baby.

茂华工场位于首都机场东侧,与规划中的顺义新城一水之隔。Maohua Workhouse is situated in Caiyuan Development Zone in the east of the CapitalInternationalAirport, separated only by a river from Shunyi New City under planning.