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贝鲁特是黎巴嫩的首都。Beirut is like the capital of Lebanon.

NPR新闻,妮可·比姆斯特博贝鲁特报道。Nicole Beemsterboer, NPR news, Beirut.

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贝鲁特,沿着险路散步的人们。Strolling along the Corniche in Beirut.

象奥马尔这样的孩子整天游荡在贝鲁特的街上。Children like Omar wander the streets of Beirut all day long.

哈里里被暗杀在贝鲁特引发了反叙利亚的示威行动。The killing has set off anti-Syrian demonstrations in Beirut.

简单地把反叙利亚政治人物权力在贝鲁特。It briefly brought anti-Syrian politicians to power in Beirut.

纳迪姆Houry是人权观察的贝鲁特办公室主任。Nadim Houry is the director of Human Rights Watch's Beirut office.

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然而,酿酒厂却位于靠近贝鲁特的山的另一边。The winery, however, is the other side of the mountain near Beirut.

斯特凡·菲勒27日抵达贝鲁特对黎巴嫩进行为期两天的访问。Stefan Rockefeller arrived in Beirut on 27 two-day visit to Lebanon.

接班的机组人员在贝鲁特登上飞机,将该机继续开往新加坡。A relaid crew came aboard at Beirut to fly the aircraft on to Singapore.

以色列军队近两天以来首次轰炸贝鲁特。Israeli forces are pounding Beirut for the first time in nearly two days.

在贝鲁特海滩举行的风筝节,一个黎巴嫩小女孩放飞她的风筝。A young Lebanese girl flies her kite during a festival on a beach in Beirut.

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这次会晤是自哈里里被暗杀以后,阿萨德首次出访贝鲁特。The meeting marks Mr. Assad's first visit to Beirut since the assassination.

还有一小部分犹太人,传统上聚集在贝鲁特。There is also a small Israelite population, traditionally centered in Beirut.

他说,他到贝鲁特来踩线,看看这里是否能成为他客户的旅游目的地。He said he had come to assess Beirut as a possible destination for his clients.

2005年2月,黎巴嫩前总理拉菲克·哈里里在贝鲁特遇袭身亡。February 2005, former Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri in Beirut were killed.

来自贝鲁特的电讯说有几位元美国外交官被作为人质遭到绑架。A newsflash from Beirut says some of the American diplomats have been kidnapped as hostage.

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儿童审视圣诞节仙厄尔尼诺费尔装饰,东北贝鲁特2010年12月21日。Children look at Christmas decoration in Sin El Fil, northeast of Beirut December 21, 2010.

他的父亲,已故总理拉菲克。哈里里2005年在贝鲁特发生的一次大爆炸中丧生。His father, the late prime minister Rafik Hariri, was killed in a massive 2005 bombing in Beirut.

在贝鲁特没有单独的同性恋街区,喜欢“串吧”的人更有探险的感觉。There is no gay neighborhood in Beirut per se, and bar-hopping here is not for the unadventurous.