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因为神不偏待人。For God does not show favoritism.

我还可以向自己的族群多许诺些好处,作为配套。I can also promise favoritism for my own group.

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反对党爱国阵线承诺会禁止这种政治倾斜政策。The PF promises to put a stop to political favoritism.

也不可在诉讼的事上偏护穷人。And do not show favoritism to a poor man in his lawsuit.

我认为你对继承人的选择有偏袒之嫌。I think your choice of a successor savors of favoritism.

也不可在争讼的事上偏护穷人。and do not show favoritism to a poor man in his lawsuit.

公约领导层发表一份声明表示否认有任何偏袒。The leadership issued a statement denying any favoritism.

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错案率高,徇私舞弊现象时有发生等。Higher mistaken rate and irregularities for favoritism are often produced.

12年前我母亲过世之前,我从没有感觉到哥哥得到的偏爱。I didn't realize there was favoritism until my mother passed away 12 years ago.

18日,九江市已要求武宁县暂停这一做法。The Jiujiang municipal government Friday asked Wuning County to stop the favoritism.

要记住,任何可能看起来像友谊的关系,在别人眼中都可能是偏心的做法。Also keep in mind that what mightlook like friendship to you can often look like favoritism to others.

Pillemer赞同同此观点,并补充说研究显示某个孩子的特别得宠会给全家造成不幸。Pillemer agrees and adds that studies have found the whole family can suffer when favoritism in shown.

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我总对中国菜保持着一如既往的客观态度,却隐藏不住我对粤式烹鱼的喜爱。As much as I'd like to remain objective on Chinese food, it's hard to hide my favoritism towards Cantonese fish.

公务员制度是在反对个人赡循主义和政党分肥制的过程中建立起来的。The civil service system is set up in the process of fighting against the favoritism and the "pork barrel" system.

她从没偏爱任何一个女儿,这样就不会在姐妹间引起嫉妒或仇恨。She never showed favoritism to one daughter over the other, as not to cause jealousy or bitterness between sisters.

其他滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊的行为。Other conducts involving abusing authority, dereliction of duty and playing favoritism and committing irregularities.

徇私枉法罪是防治刑事司法人员职务犯罪的重要规定。The crime of bending the law to serve one's personal considerations for favoritism is the judicial personnel's malfeasance.

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但他努力掩藏这种感情,他想要自己的三个儿子觉得,他对他们的爱是公平的,并没有厚此薄彼。But his efforts to hide these feelings, he wanted his three sons that he was their love is fair, and there is no favoritism.

我想两者都有,但刻板印象的影响,要高于组内偏爱。I think the answer is that both play a role but some of the effects are due to stereotypes above and beyond in-group favoritism.

动植物检疫机关的检疫人员徇私舞弊,伪造检疫结果的。Quarantine personnel with animal and plant quarantine organs, who practice favoritism and malpractice in forging quarantine results.