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你给他们喝的是苦艾酒?You've given them absinthe ?

没走几步,苦艾酒的香味就充满了每个人的喉咙。After a few steps, the smell of absinthe seizes one by the throat.

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为3到4个人准备这种酒,我使用苦艾酒服务。To make this preparation for 3 to 4 people, I use an ABSINTHE service.

波希米亚人也将糖放入苦艾酒中以减少茴香的苦味。Bohemians also burn sugar into their absinthe to mellow its bitter anise flavour.

十年前,德加的朋友莫奈画过一个饮苦艾酒的纨绔子弟。Degas' friend Monet painted a dandish male absinthe drinker just over a decade before.

苦艾是酿制各类利口酒的基本成分。苦艾酒就是其中主要一种。Wormwood is an essential ingredient in various liqueurs, of which Absinthe is the chief.

告诉我们“苦艾酒”和“生活”表演的地方的情况。Tell us the status of the place where the shows of "Absinthe" and "La Vie" are presented.

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冰过的鸡尾酒杯,混合杯里加入碎冰,倒入金酒和苦艾搅合。Properly chill 1 cocktail glass. In mixing glass with ice, pour gin and absinthe , and stir.

然后放入一个装有方糖的苦艾酒勺,接着在糖上面放苦精力娇酒。Next place an Absinthe spoon with a sugar cube, then add ANGOSTURA BITTERS on top of the sugar.

别担心,我今晚不会再用苦艾酒或艾蒿来做预知梦了。Don't worry, I won't be hitting the absinthe or the mugwort to try to induce the visions tonight.

在招待时,把苦艾酒柱中的冰倒光,用一瓶酩悦香槟填充。For service, empty the Absinthe colum from ice and fill it with a bottle of MOET ET CHANDON champagne.

但你需要一滴一滴地加——在酒杯上架一个勺子,里面放一块方糖,每滴水都需要穿过这块糖滴入酒中。But ensure you add it a drop at a time through a sugar cube on a spoon placed over the glass of absinthe.

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阿尔伯特,曼哈顿的酒吧业主药店之一,苦艾酒灯上周六,2008年9月27日拍摄。Albert, one of the owners of the Manhattan bar Apotheke, lights absinthe shots on Saturday, September 27, 2008.

当时梵高精神病复发,又沉迷于苦艾酒,这样即使是他割耳这个例子也能解释清楚。Even the example about Van Gogh can be explained away because of his recurring mental illness and addiction to absinthe.

当时梵高精神病复发,又沉迷于苦艾酒,这样即使是他割耳这个例子也能解释清楚。Even the example about Van Gogh can be explained away because of his recurring mental illness and addiction to absinthe.

大多数喝过苦艾酒的人都形容这是一种“清醒”的陶醉-类似于“神智清醒的酩酊”。The most commonly reported Absinthe experience is a 'clear-headed' feeling of inebriation — a form of 'lucid drunkenness'.

苦艾酒带较苦的茴香味道或甘草味道的高浓度绿色酒。从苦艾和其他植物中''。A green liqueur having a bitter anise or licorice flavor and a high alcohol content, prepared from absinthe and other herbs.

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至于说到你总是傻乎乎的把自己弄伤,实际上,那些你用艾酒迫使其出现的梦示会对未来的预知作用是很小的。Speaking of doing yourself foolish harm, the fact that the prophetic dreams are so trivial of late indicates that you've been using absinthe to force them.

蒿草一种蒿属的芳香植物,尤指原产于欧洲的洋艾,可提炼出一种用于酿制艾酒的苦汁和给某些酒类作调味。Any of several aromatic plants of the genus Artemisia, especially A. absinthium, native to Europe, yielding a bitter extract used in making absinthe and in flavoring certain wines.