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但是它是如何干预和强制的呢?But how does it interpose and compel?

这位老人喜欢调停争论。The old man likes to interpose in the disputes.

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什么叫心理危机干预措施。What calls psychological crisis interpose measure.

在这么正式的研讨会上插嘴是很不礼貌的。It's very impolite to interpose in uch a formal seminar.

去劝架的人,常常搞到要抹自己的鼻血。Those who in quarrel interpose must often wipe a bloody nose.

如果贵司突然提出这个问题,他们也许会感到措手不及。They may be unprepared if you suddenly interpose the solution.

那些吵架的调停者必须时常抹鼻血。Those who in quarrels interpose must often wipe a bloody nose.

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插话进来的是一个年轻人,瘦长身材,一身牛仔衣。Those who interpose is young people, lanky stature, body cowboy clothes.

所谓的微件是介于单条新闻和网页之间的一个模块。So called small it is interpose at sheet a module between news and webpage.

劳动合同属于兼有当事人意思自治和国家干预性质的特殊合同。The labor contract law is a special contract that has both free will and state interpose.

插入服务质量语义的能力可以视为一种中介形式。The ability to interpose quality-of-service semantics can be viewed as a form of mediation.

三层交换机的出现,使得路由器与交换机集成在一起,无法实现防火墙的接入。The emergence of Three-Layer switch makes the router and switch together but can't interpose the firewall.

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于是,她又开始担心孩子们回来时会不小心误闯进来。Hence, she starts worrying that the children come behind again meeting carelessly the blunder interpose into.

在不同类型的市场失灵条件下,政府的具体干预举措是不同的。In the market of different type malfunction condition falls, specific interpose act of the government is different.

如何更好地干预这些影响因素,提高培训的效果,仍有待进一步深入研究。There remains the need for further deep study on how to interpose the factors and improve the training effectiveness.

为消除混杂因素的影响,试验组、对照组各项干预措施均统一施加。In order to eliminate influences of farraginous factors, uniform interpose steps should be exerted on these two groups.

换句话说,这确实是他必须调停的东西,处于他自己跟这个存在,也就是说,在这个场合,一个欲望的存在。That is to say precisely what he needs to interpose between himself and this existence, namely on this occasion a desire.

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雨水管100的垫层及现浇混凝土的尺寸该设置多少合理?Does the rainwater manage 100's bed courses and the dimensions depositing concrete now should interpose number reasonableness?

在项目中任何你没有提出自己看法的地方,你的手下都更容易犯错。At any point in the project where you don't interpose your own judgment, your people are more likely to make a mistake. So what?

实验结果说明三维相干数据体不仅是有效的,而且具有速度快、无人工干预等优点。The testing result proves that the 3-D coherence cube technique is effective, speedy, and unnecessary to interpose artificially.