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她穿了一身洁白无瑕的衣服。She was dressed in virginal white.

男人曾经规定,他们的女人必须是纯洁的处女。As a young lady she had been harmed, and this virginal.

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她对童贞演讲提出许多要求。She's making extraordinary claims for virginal oratory.

男人曾经规定,他们的女人必须是纯洁的处女。Men have decreed that their women must be pure and virginal.

请回到这原始的大森林,走进这神奇的大自然。Please return to the virginal forest to the mystical nature.

在基督信仰里面,百合代表着纯洁和无暇的爱。Lily represents pure and virginal love in the Christian faith.

那个挤奶的女工,真是一个多么新鲜、多么纯洁的自然女儿啊!What a fresh and virginal daughter of Nature that milkmaid is!

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要有美好的充满活力的男性有时咄咄逼人,嫁给一个纯粹和处女女佣。A bright energetic sometimes aggressive male, to marry a pure and virginal maid.

要是弥尔顿也在事业未起步,还未失去童真时就死了呢?What if the virginal Milton were to die ? before he was able to take up his career?

南乔治亚是一块处女蛮荒地,虽然曾经被开发却又在成为无人破坏的地域。South Georgia is a virgin wilderness that lost its virginity yet is becoming virginal again.

在青少年期有几次我讨厌成为处女,极其渴望得到男性的关注。As a teenager, there were times I loathed being virginal and was desperate for some male attention.

无论如何,我的理解是任何你异性传播的上升都依然是相对低风险的。It is not plausible that the virginal transmission risk is anything like the higher rates you cite.

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但大哥的意思是说,是处女的肉身转变成了灵魂。But what the Elder Brother is saying is that the virginal body is actually transmogrified into soul.

世界上第一个国家公园——黄石公园是一块处女地。In Yellowstone—the first national park in the world—the land was set aside in a single, nearly virginal lump.

目的观察大黄酸对人工动情期大鼠离体子宫平滑肌条的作用及探讨其作用机制。Objective To research the effects of rhein on contractile activity of uterine smooth muscle strips of virginal rats.

在她证明童贞潜在的启示力量的演讲中,她很可能说得更多。She's probably said way more than enough in her testimony to the potentially apocalyptic power of her virginal speech.

但是,无论如何,最终我们还是要接受这个事实,童话故事中的王子并不存在,美丽清纯的公主也不存在。But, as we eventually accept, sort of, the fairy-tale prince doesn't exist, and nor does the peachy , virginal princess.

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贞洁的新娘在整个典礼期间,手里都拿着一束小麦,或者在头发上戴一个小麦的花冠。The virginal bride carried a sheaf of wheat in her hand throughout the ceremony, or wore a garland of wheat in her hair.

共混体系中PA11和PVC的玻璃化转变温度Tg均较其纯组分有一定程度的降低。The glass transition temperature of PA11 and PVC components in the blends decreased, comparing with the virginal PA11 and PVC.

直到第一次世界大战时,38岁的福斯特在埃及亚历山大港附近的海滩邂逅了一名士兵,当时他还保有童贞。Until the first world war, and an encounter at the age of 38 with a soldier on a beach near Alexandria, he was painfully virginal.