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那只小猪尖叫着。The piglet screeched.

可怜的小猪崽,安息。Poor little piglet RIP.

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犊牛,羔羊,仔猪和马驹。Calf, Lamb, Piglet and Foal.

“我还会数数!”小猪喊道。"And I can count! " Piglet shouts.

没有电话过来,小猪早就料到。No call of course, Piglet knew that.

小鸡们在吃食,但是那只小猪没有吃。The chickens are eating. But not the piglet.

小熊维尼、小猪和跳跳虎正在修理抽水泵。Pooh, Piglet and Tigger are repairing a pump.

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小熊维尼和小猪每年冬天都去瑞士滑雪。Pooh and piglet go skiing in Switzerland every winter.

确保将初乳喂到仔猪的嘴中。You can express the milk into the mouth of the piglet.

而这只小猪正是那只小木猪的化身。The magical piglet was embodiment of the wooden piglet.

“轱辘辘……”箱子里滚出一只小胖猪来。"hoo loo_loo. "a little fat piglet came out of the box.

更有甚者,他竟然用炼丹炉来煮方便面!The piglet even cooks instant noodles in an alchemy stove.

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“是的,”小猪说,“我还能跟你和屹耳分享食物。”"Yes, " says Piglet. "And I can share with you and Eeyore. "

之前看到羊咩家的小魔做了一只狄士尼小猪。A while back Hsiao Mo at Sheep House had made a Disney Piglet.

但是这些仔猪必须比此窝中其它仔猪都大。This piglet must be bigger than the other piglets in the litter.

你看出这只新生的猪宝宝和普通的猪有什麽不同吗?Can you see what is different about this newly born piglet in China?

小猪亲近的是母猪的眷顾与奶汁,而不只是牠的身体。What the piglet attach to is sow's care and fresh milk, not its body.

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仔猪从采食饲料中持续地获得易于吸收利用的蛋氨酸铁。The more utilizable and absorbable MFe is fed as a piglet feed supplement.

小猪很伤心,因为维尼哥哥在忙自己的事。Piglet was upset, as Phoo was not around. He is in SH busy with his things.

在荣昌猪断乳后开口饲料中,添加外源性蛋白酶,进行饲养试验。Exogenous protease was added into the feed of weaned piglet in the experiment.