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我就是考生,怎么没有人说话啊?I am examinee how to talk without the person?

百分之六十的考生都非常的满意。Sixty percent of the examinee were very satisfied.

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考生很有自信地回答问题。The examinee answered the question with confidence.

所以,我们希望考生们还是稍安勿躁。So, our hope examinee people still install a bit not impetuous.

体育高考生使用兴奋剂主要是出于功利目的。The reason why examinee use doping is to proceed from material gain.

线诊断中受检者放射卫生防护标准。Radiological protection standard for the examinee in X-ray diagnosis.

“让每位考生都能上理想的大学”是我们最大的心愿。Our great wish is that let every examinee go to their desired university.

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要求考生在其中选出2个答案。These questions require the examinee to select two of the answer choices.

考试如此多娇,引无数考生尽通宵。The exam is so many charming, bring countless examinee to use up all night.

考前五分钟是发卷时间,考生填写准考证。Five minutes before the time is the hair volume, the examinee fill out the ticket.

第三,复试是对考生知识面的考核。The 3rd, the second-round exam is the assessment of pair of examinee knowledge faces.

对于基本理论和基础知识,考生不光要会,而且要熟悉。To basic theory and ABC, examinee not only want to meet, and want to be familiar with.

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因此,考生应着手为复试做最后的准备了。Accordingly, examinee should begin to make final preparation for the second-round exam.

我是少数民族考生,我想了解假如我选了预科专业,我将要学什么?I am minority examinee I want to if I chose preparatory major understand what will I learn?

我是山东的考生,今年考了499分,能报江苏的哪些专科学校?I am the Shandong examinee , get 499 marks in this year , can which Jiangsu academy to report?

现在中国有两种填报志愿的方法,根据考生来自的省份而定。Now there are two application methods in China, depending on which province the examinee is from.

妈妈每天按照考生食谱给孩子安排饮食,还增加了一些健脑补品。My mother every day according to the examinee recipes for child diet, also added some brain tonic.

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考研到冲刺阶段,考生要采取科学的复习方法。One's deceased father grind sprint phase, examinee wants those who adopt science to revise a method.

随机考位往往出现在这两个时间段以外的时间,考生可以有选择性地进行考位查询。Random test a tend to appear in the two time outside of the time, examinee can selectively to test a query.

每年都有一部分考生在复试中折戟,因此竞争非常残酷。Every year one part examinee folds halberd in the second-round exam, competition is very accordingly brutal.