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我是顽固的利己主义者。I was stubborn and egocentric.

我以自我中心的,并且且制造规则。I am egocentric and I make the rules.

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局限之一,儿童是以自我为中心的One way in which it's limited is that children are egocentric.

他们只是故事,您已经创建解释现实,从自我中心的角度来看。They are just tales you have created to explain reality from an egocentric point of view.

世俗中的特殊关系常是自私、幼稚、自我中心,而且颇具破坏性的。The special relationships of the world are destructive, selfish and childishly egocentric.

但在其它领域直觉系统可能会妨碍我们,比如当我们过高评价了我们那些以自我为中心的观点时。It can trip us up in others, though, such as when we overvalue our own egocentric perspective.

随之而来自我中心的衰退,那引起了所有的这些心理上的杂乱。Along with this comes a fading of the egocentric self that is generating all of this psychical clutter.

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这颗“东方之星”的能量让向来有自我中心倾向的西方艺术界屡屡惊叹神迷。The egocentric Western art world remains astonished and fascinated by the power of this "Oriental Star".

很明显的,在某种程度上,我们很容易受到利已主义和种族中心主义的趋向所影响。It is prudent to assume that we are all, to some extent, susceptible to egocentric and ethnocentric tendencies.

这些概念是第三章和第四章中对时空隐喻和转喻进行分类的理论基础。Chapter three studies the Ego-based Time metaphors in Chinese based on the notions of egocentric frame of reference.

这一切之中最显眼的是安妮女王的庄园,现在它归一个自以为是的演员和她第四任忠实的丈夫所有。Over all presides the Queen Anne manor house, now the property of an egocentric actress and her fourth devoted husband.

许多人都同意,虎年出生的人非常勇敢,但是也非常易怒。他们还可能非常自我中心,难以预测。Most people agree that tiger people are courageous but can also be quick-tempered. They may also be very egocentric and unpredictable.

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为追求内部和谐,必维持外部和平,利己和强硬的声音仍是小众。It must maintain peace with the outside world to pursue harmony within. The egocentric and hard-line view remains a muffled voice in governance.

以自我为中心的偏见意味者当我们试图猜想别人是怎样评价自己时,会经不住被自我偏见所左右。The egocentric bias means that when we try to imagine how we are seen by others, we can't help but be biased by the way in which we see ourselves.

30年以前,不少哲学家、心理学家和精神病学家还认为,婴儿和幼年儿童没有理性思考能力,他们以自我为中心,也不可能产生道德判断。Thirty years ago most psychologists, philosophers and psychiatrists thought that babies and young children were irrational, egocentric and amoral.

现代人的爱有着一种单方面的、不长久的、悖谬异化的形态,只是出于维护个人支离破碎的信仰的动机,完全是自我中心主义的情感体验。Modern man' s love is a one-dimensional, short-lasted, alienated and absurd experience, for the purpose of maintaining one' s broken beliefs. It is absolutely egocentric.

由于以自己为中心的坐标系直接基于我们的身体而且在我们直接的视觉范围内,所以我们不需要绘出地图,或者使用指南针进行引路,我们靠的是感觉。We don’t need a map or a compass to work it out, we just feel it, because the egocentric coordinates are based directly on our own bodies and our immediate visual fields.

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焦点效应其实是每个人都会有的体验,这种心理状态让我们过度关注自我,过分在意聚会或者工作集会时周围人们对我们的关注程度。Spotlight effect is a universal experience that distorts our egocentric notion about the degree to which people in groups, like parties and work gatherings, pay attention to us.

本文正是以结构洞理论为基础,研究了一个计算机辅助的个人人际网络分析系统。So this article bases on the structural holes theory and discusses a computer-aided egocentric network analysis system which uses the matrix analysis algorithm and the network graph technology.

无论出现什么样的思想,当意识的出现,已经将意志抚慰,然后得到尼采得出的著名的周遭的结果,而不仅仅是关于自我主义的观点。And whatever thoughts may come when the chatter of consciousness had quietened down will then be generally be results of Nietzsche famous extent rather than mere opinions of the egocentric self.