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你需要放多少柠檬进磨碎器?How many lemons do you need for the grater?

喂,我想再买一个干酪擦板。I’m thinking of buying a new Parmesan grater

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只有孩子的父亲可说服他更加努力。Only the boy's father can coax him into grater effort.

我小弟弟好痒喔!你可以帮我拿起司刨吗?Ooh! My balls are itchy. Have you got the cheese grater?

好了,我知道了。喂,我想再买一个干酪擦板。All right. Well. I'm thinking of buying a new Parmesan grater

再用蔬果刨或大刨丝器将之刨成幼丝,备用。Use either a mandoline or a large-size grater to shred. Set aside.

钱如果花在给家庭带来更大的财政保障,是可以买到幸福的。Money can buy happiness if it is spent on to bring grater financial security for the family.

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但是如果目的是赚钱让人觉得幸福,那么钱是不能给你带来幸福的。Money can buy happiness if it is spent on to bring grater financial security for the family.

而在玉米收获后测定,间作玉米土壤含水量都高于单作。After maize harvest, soil water contents in intercropped maize were grater than that in sole cropped.

“因为他们那么说,我可能只会给他们买个带有紫绿花点的奶酪刨丝器,”她警告说。"I might actually buy them a purple-and-green-polka-dot cheese grater just for saying that," she warns.

这些绰号中还会加入小黄瓜,剃须刀,公文柜,还会有大黄瓜,和奶酪刨丝器加入进来。It will join the Gherkin, the Razor and the Filing Cabinet, with the Cucumber and Cheese Grater to come.

“因为他们那么说,我可能只会给他们买个带有紫绿花点的奶酪刨丝器,”她警告说。"I might actually buy them a purple-and-green-polka-dot cheese grater just for saying that, " she warns.

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月亮就在我们上方,凸面对着我们仿佛要把我们挤压粉碎,像一个荒废的屋顶,满目疮痍像一个干酪粉碎机。The moon was above us, a convex shape almost crushing us, a ruined roof, studded with holes like a cheese grater.

做完上述步骤之后,我们该榨取红叶卷心菜汁了。榨汁机或者刨丝器还有滤纸就要派上用场了。我们并不需要太多的汁液。After that, we must extract red cabbage sap. A juicer or grater and cheesecloth can be used. We don't need much sap.

他们说,有时候银行过于重视支持它的位置的信息而忽略了其它发现。They said the bank sometimes give grater weight to information that supported its position and ignore other findings.

您应该增加高速缓存的大小,使大小的值大于被读写的队列的通常数量。You should increase the size of the cache to a value that is grater than the typical number of queues which are being read and written.

我要么下半辈子就坐在写字台后面做做文职,一天八小时无所事事,恨不得拿个芝士刨锉自己脑袋。I could either spend the rest of my life behind a desk which would be like eight hours a day of scraping a cheese grater against my forehead.

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但是我们却痛苦地忆起我们没有在美丽绽放时看到这份美,没有在爱意绵绵时以爱去回应。But we remember with far grater pain that we did not see that beauty when it flowered, that we failed to respond with love when it was tendered.

将西葫芦、胡萝卜或洋葱搓碎加入,这用食物料理机或擦菜板很容易准备好。Grated vegetables like zucchini, carrots or onions add moisture to meat dishes, and are easy enough to prep using a food processor or a box grater.

2001年她迎来了一个重大的机会,美国总统乔治,布殊任命她为总统顾问委员会的顾问。An even grater opportunity came in 2001 when President George Bush named her commissioner of the President's Advisory Commission on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders.