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很多的对话?A lot of dialog?

与他们对话。Dialog with them.

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这个对话框将要关闭。The dialog box will close.

戏剧用对话体写。Plays are written in dialog.

将打开新对话框窗口。A new dialog window will open.

“插入表”对话框随即打开。Insert Table dialog box opens.

创建一个新模态对话框Creating a new modal dialog box

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跟读录音以正音。Read the dialog after the tape.

“封闭签入”对话框。Gated Check-in dialog box appears.

“自述文件”用户界面对话框。Read Me User Interface Dialog Box.

可取消可视化进程的对话框Cancelable Visualize progress dialog

大多数戏剧都是用对话体写的。Most plays are written in dialog ue.

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“文本框”用户界面对话框。Textboxes User Interface Dialog Box.

在接下来的对话框中点击是。Click Yes in the dialog that follows.

再让学生四人一组用自己的真实姓名上台表演。Act out the dialog with your own names.

这将会打开缺陷条目对话框。This should open the defect entry dialog.

很多的的对话都好像挺针锋相对的。A lot of the dialog seems to be combative.

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这个快捷方式适用于所有的数值输入框。This shortcut works in all dialog palettes.

他把独白切成两截来写对白。He writes dialog ue by cut monologue in two.

系统将显示一个对话框要求输入软件包名称。A dialog appears asking for the package name.