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作曲家为一首十四行诗谱了曲。The composer set a sonnet to music.

是波光影调吟诵的十四行诗。Is a sonnet chanted by glistening waves.

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杰克就这个题目作了一首十四行诗。Jack was delivered of a sonnet on the subject.

我承认我我是喜欢派克成迷的人。Well I admit it. I am a huge Parker Sonnet fan.

能不能让我来把你比作夏日?Sonnet 18Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?

这让我想到了很优秀的十四行诗“设计“的主题“That is the subject of the great sonnet "Design."

不久弗莱米德返回,诵唱他刚刚完成作曲的十四行诗。Flamand returns to sing the sonnet he has just composed.

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她颤声朗诵给他听卢泊·布鲁克的十四行诗。In her trembling voice she read to him Rupert Brook's sonnet.

可以是简单的“谢谢帮助”的条子,也可以是一首完整的十四行诗。It can be a simple "Thanks for the help" note or a full sonnet.

这14行明显使用了十四行诗的押韵规则,但仔细看。The lines have distinctly a sonnet rhyme-scheme, but look closely.

到了卓尔系列,一种设计可以实现众多产品及定价。Enter the Sonnet. One design in a wide range of finishes and pricing.

我不会只把周期表和十四行诗对应,因为他写的是十四行诗。And, I mean, I wouldn't just give it to him because he wrote a sonnet.

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我在这方面做了很多年,所有的一切就像一首十四行诗。I've been doing this for many years, and all of a sudden comes a sonnet.

他发表了和他的十四行诗第七首中同样的免责声明。He's making exactly the same disclaimer that he had made in Sonnet Seven.

黎明时天空斑斓的色彩使他写出了一首不朽的十四行诗。The mellow colour of the dawn sky caused him to write an inmmortal sonnet.

花上45秒的时间来品味一首俳句,或者细细品读你最喜欢的十四行诗。Take 45 seconds to savor a single haiku, or read over your favorite sonnet.

有14个f区的元素,正好伊丽莎白诗也有14行。There are 14 f-block elements, and an Elizabethan sonnet contains 14 lines.

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姚读着这些中国的标识,仿佛在品读着一首莎士比亚风格的诗作。Mr. Yao read off the Chinese equivalents as if savoring a Shakespearean sonnet.

英语中最著名的情诗之一是伊莉莎白.巴莱特.勃朗宁的〈十四行诗四十三〉。One of the most famous love poems in English is Elizabeth Barrett Browning's "Sonnet 43".

极少有人可以写出莎士比亚的十四行诗或是沃兹沃斯的隐喻,你也别指望了。Few writers can pull off a Shakespearean sonnet or metaphors like Wordsworth, so don't try.