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磁石吸铁。Magnets attract iron.

那么,不同的人相互吸引吗“So "opposites attract?"

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鲜花招引来许多蜜蜂。She was attract many bees.

你想要吸引哪一人群?Who do you want to attract?

头部也会吸引人。Headers also attract people.

这就是异性相吸的原因所在。This is why opposites attract.

树木吸引含雨的云。Trees attract rain-bearing clouds.

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因此,彼此不同的人没有吸引力。So, opposites don't really attract.

他会试着吸引你的注意力。He'll try to attract your attention.

如何不吸引一个好的男朋友。How Not To attract a nice boyfriend.

人们说,“异性相吸”。People say that "opposites attract."

常常有人说,"对立物互相吸引。"It's often said, "opposites attract."

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物质具有吸引力的性质。It is a property of matter to attract.

只有我,似乎特别吸引疯子和怪人。I just seem to attract complete nutters.

弗拉格斯塔夫似乎对工业不具有吸引力。Flagstaff can't seem to attract industry.

我猜他可能觉得拿那会吸引一个体育队。I guess he thinks it will attract a team.

小张在鱼钩上插上香饵,想要钓条大鱼。Xiao Zhang uses bait to attract big fish.

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网站的每个页面必须吸引游览者。Every pages of a site must attract viewers.

我想异性相吸是对的。I guess it's true that "opposites attract"!

同性恋支持者的游行示威引来了禁令和混战。Gay-rights marches attract bans and scuffles.