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这,这就是失眠。This is insomnia.

什么是失眠?What is insomnia?

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如何治失眠?How to cure insomnia?

那么在生活中如何治失眠呢?So how to cure insomnia in life it?

为什么我最进老失眠馁?Why I most putrid into old insomnia?

在得失眠症之前我没有为睡眠发过愁。Before the insomnia I didn’t hit snooze.

失眠症甚至操纵破坏我的性生活。Insomnia even manages to ruin my sex life.

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过度的焦虑和紧张会引起失眠。Worries and tenseness can lead to insomnia.

最近老是失眠?怎么调理啊!Recently often insomnia? How be recuperated!

失眠可能发生在任何年龄阶段。II.Insomnia can come on at any stage in life.

我相信这药会治好你的失眠症的。I’m sure the medicine will cure your insomnia.

试试这种药。它可以治好你的失眠症。Try this medicine. It will cure your insomnia.

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风景的微凉,行人懂得。凌晨的难过,失眠的人懂得。The sad morning, those who know how to insomnia.

这样的休息可以作为治疗失眠的药方。Shortchanging that break can be a recipe for insomnia.

到头来,他对说,大概又只是失眠。After all, he said to hilf, it's probably only insomnia.

玛莎已经遭受失眠之苦好久了。Marsha had been suffering from insomnia for a long time.

失眠病久治不愈的原因到底有哪些呢?Persistent insomnia causes disease in the end, what does?

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你要是失眠它绝对是最好的睡前读物It's very good bedtime reading if you suffer from insomnia.

有些治疗师使用催眠疗法来帮着克服失眠。Some therapists use hypnotherapy to help overcome insomnia.

在当前社会中,失眠病是一种常见的精神疾病。In the current society, insomnia is a common mental illness.