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西哥特人是一种观念。And a Visigoth is an idea.

你必定是一个雅典人或西哥特人。You must be an Athenian or a Visigoth.

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西哥特人将只会在墙壁上涂写一些淫秽下流的话。Visigoth would merely scrawl obscenities on the wall.

现代西哥特人对这一切都不在乎。The modern Visigoth cares very little about any of this.

西哥特人不尊重甚至不承认其他标准。No other standard is respected or even acknowledged by the Visigoth.

现代的西哥特人只关心自己的事,根本不知道团体的含义。A modern Visigoth is interested only in his own affairs and has no sense of the meaning of community.

西哥特人最喜欢做的莫过于焚烧书籍、亵渎建筑、或者毁坏艺术品。There was nothing a Visigoth liked better than to burn a book, desecrate a building, or smash a work of art.

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这座城堡最初在十六世纪时作为西哥特人的要塞,曾被罗马人和摩尔人轮流接管。The castle began as a Visigoth fortification in the sixth century and was taken over in turns by the Romans and the Moors.

在中年时期,在西哥特人的布拉加和阿拉伯时代的历史是非常模糊和代表颓废时期的城市。In the middle age, the history of Braga during Visigoth and Arab times is very obscure and represent periods of decadence for the town.

他对途径的大片城市进行掠夺。就在奥尔良快要向他投降的时候,罗马和四哥特人的联合部队到来了,迫使阿堤拉向东北撤退。After pillaging a broad swath of cities in his path, he was near obtaining the surrender of Orleans when the combined Roman and Visigoth armies arrived and forced Attila's retreat to the northeast.