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那乘数如何呢?What’s the multiplier?

超级大力神被证实是一个部队增效器。The Super Hercules proved to be a force multiplier.

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现在我们来用拉格朗日乘数法方程。Now we try to apply our Lagrange multiplier equations.

“这将会产生一个很大的倍数效应”,比罗尔先生说。"There will be a big multiplier effect, " Mr Birol said.

实践表明,这是一种实用的数字乘法器。Practice shows that it is a practical digital multiplier.

不同类型的刺激计划有不同的乘数效应。Different types of stimulus have different multiplier effects.

奖分倍率为x1的情形下,在时间挑战中获得12,000分。Get 12,000 points in the Time challenge with a multiplier of 1.

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为何说电信是生产力的倍增器?Why to say telecommunication is the multiplier of productivity?

讨论了简化的四象限乘法器的原理。The principle of simplified four-quadrant multiplier was discussed.

实验证实乘子法是行之有效的。The practicability of the multiplier method is experimentally verified.

必须谴责瞄准乘数效应的数据挖掘和错误分析工作。Blame data mining and bad analysis for multiplier sightings, Barro says.

实验室常用的是电子倍增器和半导体型光二极管。In lab the most often used is electron multiplier and semiconductor type.

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采用生长进化方法成功地进化出了16位加法器和8位乘法器。The circuits of 16-bit adder and 8-bit multiplier are successfully evolved.

本文简要介绍了几种结构的数字乘法器。This paper presents briefly the digital multiplier with different structure.

提出一种浮点流水线乘法器IP芯核。A novel 43-bit floating-point pipelined multiplier IP chip-core is presented.

然而所预期刺激经济的市政投资此倍数效果并未实现。However the expected multiplier effect from pump-priming did not materialize.

天光使用蓝紫色并且倍增为默认值1。To skylight I gave purple-blue color and I let multiplier on default value 1.

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采用该乘加单元我们可以实现任何阶数高速FIR滤波器。With this multiplier adder unit, we can implement FIR filters with any orders.

然而,真实世界里,政府开支的乘数并不会很大。In practice, however, the multiplier for government spending is not very large.

本文提出一种位级流水线乘法器的设计方法。A design method on the bit-level pipelined multiplier is presented in this paper.