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做一个女王。Be a queen.

我命名了她的皇后.I named her Queen.

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玛丽,苏格兰女王。Mary, Queen of Scots.

皇后和我一起.Queen and me together.

呱,呱,鸭子皇后。Quack, quack, Duck Queen.

克拉昂女王陛下,是我。Queen Clarion, it was me.

王后上吊自缢了。The queen hanged herself.

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王后王后戴王冠。Queen queen wears a crown.

我们向皇后鞠躬致敬。We all bowed to the Queen.

他向女王躬身行礼。He bowed down to the Queen.

他看了一眼赛丽丝王后。He glanced at Queen Selyse.

不过我也喜欢卡里娜女王。But I like Queen Karina too.

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1504年伊莎贝拉女王离世。In 1504 Queen Isabella died.

走出独孤皇后的病房。Out of the queen dugus ward.

英国女王直情系只老鸡“拿”!Queen of England is a bitch!

王后在客厅吃面包蜂蜜。The queen was in the parlor.

女王封他为贵族。The queen created him a peer.

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参加投票选举舞会之王和王后么?。Vote for prom king and queen?

我就是茶桌上的女王。I am the Queen of a tea table!

我用我的女王拿了她的车。I take her rook with my queen.