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原始生殖细胞的PAS反应呈阳性。The PAS reaction was of pGcs positive.

政治家是何许人也?政治家是啥玩意儿?N'est pas? Who is a statesman? What is a statesman?

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这是波兰科学院海洋研究所的网站。This is the website for Institute of Oceanology, PAS.

请通知我登机门的号码。Tell me the gate number, birkenstock pas cher, please.

胡校长与雅校同学欢渡万圣节。Principal Wu celebrates Halloween with students of PAS.

私人助理应该在背后笑话他们的老板。And PAs should laugh at their bosses behind their backs.

他和帕斯将在下周的会议上讨论研究工作的细节。He and Päs are meeting next week to work out the details.

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这种社会性的失礼,是对小孩子的骚扰。There's social faux pas around the molestation of children.

其组织化学染色PAS及派若宁均阳性。In histochemical staining, PAS and Peroning were both positive.

这个极微小的双人舞肉眼是看不到的。The microscopic pas de deux isn't even visible to the naked eye.

PAS染色显示肝内荚膜组织胞浆菌。PAS stain highlights Histoplasma capsulatum infection in the liver.

如果他们幽默地诅咒,原谅他们因为要表达放松的拙举…If they curse humorously, forgive their faux pas for being laid-back.

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当然,讲法语的人听到"我不知道"时,是会感觉到停顿的And you-- And now a French speaker, of course, hears "Je ne sais pas."

PAS染色见大型圆形孢子和粗细不一的分隔菌丝。PAS staining revealed irregular septate hyphae and large round spores.

一颗子弹穿过他的汽车,差点打中他。One bullet struck his motorcar, chaussure pas cher, narrowly lacking him.

霍威尔说联苯没有压力下采取新的考绩制度,从总统败选。Spence said PCTs were not under pressure to take new PAS systems from CSC.

踩着鼓点跳舞的雷鸣凤用他的舞蹈征服了卓洛宇。Lei Mingfeng dancing to drum beat made a conquest of Zhuo Luoyu for his pas.

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大多数近地天体在跳了这种双人舞一百万年后,会坠入太阳。Most NEOs will plunge into the Sun after a million years of this pas de deux.

看来多么遥远和幼稚啊,然而又是含情脉脉的,n’est-ce pas How long ago it seemed and childish! Yet tender too, n'est-ce pas?

采用二次测量归一化方法避免了分束器的影响。Double measurement normalized PAS avoided the influence from the spectroscope.