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我现在可以建立线段了。And I could now extend that.

我伸腿的时候会痛。It hurts when I extend my leg.

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但是怎样延长我们的职业生涯呢?But how do we extend our careers?

签证到期后怎样延长签证?How to extend a visa if it expires?

本法案可延长第一个租赁期。The Act will extend the first term.

我可以再呆两个小时吗?Can i extend my stay two mors hours?

含有杀菌剂以延长切削液使用寿命。Contains biocide to extend fluid life.

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但第三季度财报季会延续这种势头吗?Can the third quarter extend the spell?

它非常灵活,很容易扩展。It is very flexible and easy to extend.

我们耗散了太多的能量在我们的愤怒上。We extend enormous energy on our anger.

吸气向上伸直双臂。Inhale and extend your arms straight up.

这些规则不涉及小学生们。The regulations do not extend to pupils.

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不要伸展膝盖超过90度角。Don't extend the knees beyond 90 degrees.

向张大权致以最崇高的敬意!I extend the loftiest respect to the hero!

请代我向尊夫人问好。Please extend my compliments to your wife.

改如何实现自定义扩展CRM软件?How do I customize and extend the software?

如何扩展框架来完成上述操作?How do you extend the framework to do this?

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我们能把餐桌的桌腿伸展开吗。Can we extend the legs of this dining table?

他没有将他的逻辑进步一拓展“He didn't extend the logic of his position."

让我们为Point扩展一个变换器Let us extend our Point class with a mutator