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你们教会我的罪恶,我都会施行。The villainy you teach me I will execute.

当然,我们永远不会向邪恶屈服。Of course, we will never give in to villainy.

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好比,红脸表英雄,白脸表反派。For instance, red for heroism, white for villainy.

他所犯的种种罪行业经屡次证明无疑。Every sort of villainy has repeatedly been brought home to him.

人渣恶棍混迹的肮脏场所却总有最好的音乐。Wretched hives of scum and villainy always have the best music.

现在,如果你不介意的话,我要表演一场一流的恶行。Now if you'll excuse me, I've got first-class villainy to perform.

在印度,蓝色是哀悼的颜色,而在日本,蓝色表示邪恶。In India, blue is the colour of mourning, whereas in Japan it means villainy.

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我总弄不清楚,莫洛克人在新月下会干什么不可告人的事。I wondered vaguely what foul villainy it might be that the Morlocks did under the new moon.

但不管多宽,都要警惕邪恶,防范虚伪,反对背叛。Whatever how wide, we also guard the villainy , keep the false away and oppose the sellout.

阿尔拜赫所说的穆斯林主义的卡通形象,在西方媒体中广泛传播。the very same face of cartoonish villainy that Albaih says has been so widely broadcast in the West.

然而最近发生去远在共同的邪恶之外和提示我们逐出他。However the most recent incedent has gone far beyond common villainy and has prompted us to expel him.

我盗用圣经的话语,来掩饰赤裸裸的罪愆。外表是圣人,内心是魔鬼。And thus l clothe my naked villainy , with old odd ends stolen forth from holy writ, and seem a saint, when mostl play the devil.

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我谨以英国下院的名义,在向你们提出请求的这个最后时刻对沃伦·哈斯丁的恶行提出指控。In the name of the Commons of England, I charge all this villainy upon Warren Hastings, in this last moment of my application to you.

演恶行恶状的鲁休斯马份的杰森艾萨克谈到为什麽他就像中了书毒瘾的主要因素。Jason Isaacs who plays the villainy Lucius Malfoy talks about why he did the Harry Potter movies as well as the addicting factor of the books.

对于那些站在农民立场上的人来说,华尔街的商业行为正是“商人”这一邪恶团体所作所为的集中体现。To those who are on the farmers' side the business of Wall Street appears to be the cream of the villainy community perpetrated by the traders.

竟没有罪案可以侦察,顶多也不过是些简略幼稚的罪案,念头浅显易见,就连苏格兰场的职员也能一眼识破。There is no crime to detect or, at most, some bungling villainy with a motive so transparent that even a Scotland Yard official can see through it.

商鞅的刑罚目的理论,以人性恶的犯罪理论为基础,以重刑、必得、明法为基本内容,通过三者的有机结合来实现预防犯罪。One is the theory of humanistic villainy as its basic, another is the essential content that contain severe penalty, capture the criminal and publicize the law.

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他最让人羡慕的地方就是他能把坏事做得很洒脱,能把无赖演绎得很自然,是魏晋风度的创始者之一。The great godfather was admired for his easy and natural spirit in the villainy and rascal conducts. Furthermore, Cao Cao was one of the founders of Wei-Jin style.

我们该感到欣慰,二氧化碳给我们温暖使我们舒舒服服,但是大气中二氧化碳的浓度正在稳步升高,其恶迹也就由此而生。We can be thankful that carbon dioxide is keeping us comfortably warm, but the concentration of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is going up steadily and that is where the villainy comes in.

张唐英从唐代君臣言行的细节入手,揭发出许多潜伏在历史中恶人恶行,实现他撰写此书时欲图挞伐昏君奸臣的初衷。By detailing the deeds of the emperors and ministers of Tang Dynasty, Zhang Tangying have carried his point for blaming the tyrant and evil by disposing a lot of baddies and villainy from histories.