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纱幕落了!—这一切我早就见过。Some veil did fall, —I knew it all of yore.

罗敷昔时秦氏女,千载无人空处所。Qin Luo Fu yore female, golden no empty premises.

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老一辈人还记得昔日晴朗的天空。The older people remember days of clear-aired yore.

无名的过客在往昔作了瞬间的踌躇。A nameless passerby made a snappy shilly-shally of yore.

这只狰狞丑陋可怕不吉不祥的古鸟何出此言。What this grim, ungainly, gaunt, and ominous bird of yore.

昔时,骑士通常身穿一整套盔甲。In the days of yore it was usual for cavalrymen to wear suits of armour.

许多年以前那些戴布帽吃馅饼的球迷可买不到这些东西。It's not what the cloth-cap and meat-pie fans of yore would have bought.

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在过去那些日子里,我会把情场得意的情形,毫不保留的告诉他。In days of yore I had shared with him the minutest details of my amorous triumphs.

画面和音乐都是以前8位游戏的经典怀旧版。The graphics and music are all deliciously reminiscent of 8-bit gaming days of yore.

为了推动经济,日本企业从古老的工业政策档案中吸取经验。To get the economy moving, Japan Inc took a page from its industrial-policy playbook of yore.

昔日的家族长制和世袭君主所实行的,就是这种“传统的”支配。This is 'traditional' domination exercised by the patriarch and the patrimonial prince of yore.

因为天安门之前是往日君主向他的子民们宣布重要信息的地方。It was from the Tian'anmen Rostrum that emperors of yore announced important messages to their people.

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即使情妇的中国式术语也可追溯到很久以前的一夫多妻制传统。Even the Chinese term for mistress — “ernai,” or second wife — harks back tothat polygamous tradition of yore.

当然还有很多其他的原因,比如人们总是特别渴望到处旅行和或者对古老年代的未知充满向往,这些都使得多元化家具大受欢迎。Whatever the reason behind it, the lure of travel and days of yore has made globally inspired furniture very popular.

那些戴着它的人没有那么多兴趣仿效昔日的福克斯在集会上嘲笑当地主教。Those who wear it are not so much emulating Guy Fawkes as the masked revellers of yore who might mock the local bishop at a fair.

几乎是粗野派的表达,沿着建筑顶部的扶壁模仿中世纪的锯齿状物,效仿昔日的城堡。Almost brutalist in presentation, the buttresses emulate medieval crenellations along the top of the structure, effectively emulating castles of yore.

看起来像昔日成功的商业人士知道客户的重要性,雇佣电话接线员联系业务上的个人或者部门。It would seem that successful businesspeople of yore understood the importance of their customers by employing telephone operators making connections to people or departments in that business.