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我用粉笔把这个单词涂去了。I obliterate the word with chalk.

直接撞击肯定会毁灭地球。A direct hit would obliterate Earth, it's said.

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这一功绩彪炳史册,是任何人也抹杀不了的。This merit will shine throughout history and no one can obliterate it.

他们是维多利亚时代难得的“我们俩个”,是不会抹杀女性“自我”的“我们俩个”。Theirs was the rare Victorian “we two” that would not obliterate the female “I.”

依勒内不遗余力地抹杀诺斯替教思想和那些推崇诺斯替教思想的著作。Irenaeus strived to obliterate Gnostic ideas and the writings that espoused them.

酒精煮干了,香料除去了酒的所有味道。The alcohol boils away, and the spiciness ought to obliterate any taste of the wine.

你把眼泪擦干净,和素月姐说些开心的事情。You obliterate the tears clean, and vegetable elder sister Yue say some happy affairs.

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但是人们往往对精巧的器械大为惊异,却忘记了制造它的人。But people are apt to marvel at an ingenious mechanism and obliterate the man who makes it.

好消息是,你无需撤销消灭自我挫败的限制。And the good news is, you don't have to disband your quest to obliterate self-defeating limits.

输尿管镜技术通过输尿管插入一个内诊镜来找出或消除石头。In ureteroscopy, an endoscope is inserted through the ureter to retrieve or obliterate the stone.

中央大街的一些请求人说其实他们想消除自己的旧身份。Some of the Centre Street petitioners said they did in fact want to obliterate their old identities.

他也是一名犹太人,他所面对和为其如实翻译的是那些曾妄图将他同族犹太人赶尽杀绝的刽子手。He was also a Jew, facing—and faithfully interpreting—men who had wished to obliterate everyone like him.

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这些脉管会由于低温而收缩,使肿瘤因血供应阻断而消灭。Subfreezing temperatures obliterate these vessels and this leads to tumor destruction by devascularization.

由于这些岛屿的面积很小,一场飓风可以在几个小时之内摧毁整个经济。Given the size of these islands, a hurricane can in the space of a few hours, obliterate the entire economy.

我相信善可以压倒恶,并发现如果我们完全相信善的力量,便能以善除恶。I believe that good is stronger than evil. I have found that if applied with complete faith, it can obliterate evil.

鼠标操作,如果上错了颜色可以点游戏中的橡皮来涂掉,完成作品点音符按钮画面就能动了。Mouse operation, if on the wrong color can point to the rubber game to obliterate. Op point notes screen buttons can be moved.

死亡骑士们在谈到天谴打击与灭寂的时候,也有类似的讨论。There is a similar discussion going on for DKs about at what point they can stop using Scourge Strike and just use Obliterate instead.

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在20分钟热情洋溢的演讲中,奥巴马希望消除保守主义和自由主义的分歧,重塑美国的政治。In an ambitious, 20-minute address, Mr. Obama sought to obliterate the divisions of conservatism and liberalism and remake American politics.

头条中诸如“令人吃惊”、“意外”等用词无法磨灭排名较低的球队战胜强队的功绩。The use of terms “shock” and “surprise” attributed to the victories of lesser ranked teams should not obliterate their meritorious performances.

不要避免走那些引导你走向垃圾食品的走廊,这样可能破坏你多走几步的计划!Avoid the aisles that could tempt you to pick up junk food though, since that can completely obliterate any benefits of walking a few extra steps!