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她在我们这儿搭伙。She is boarding with us.

757航班的乘客请现在登机。Flight 757 is now boarding.

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这是你的登机牌。Here is your boarding pass.

这是您的登机牌。Here' s your boarding card.

我在一朋侪处寄膳宿。I'm boarding with a friend.

这是你的登机证。This is your boarding pass.

登机门在那里?。Where is the boarding gate?

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能看一下您的登记牌吗?May I see your boarding pass?

她就读于一所寄宿学校.She goes to a boarding school.

这班机开始登机了吗?Has this flight began boarding?

先生,我可以看一下您的登记牌吗?May I see your boarding pass, sir?

这个座位号已开端登机了吗?Has the seat bulk started boarding?

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能给我看一下您的登机牌吗?Can I see your boarding pass, please?

这是我的机票和登记牌。Here are my ticket and boarding pass.

这是你的机票和登机牌。Here's your ticket and boarding pass.

请把您的登记卡准备好。Please have your boarding card ready.

这个座位号一开始登机了吗?has this seat number started boarding?

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飞往底特律的088号班机现在开始登机。Flight 088 for Detroit is boarding now.

膳宿费一天要多少钱?How much is boarding and lodging a day?

膳宿费一天要多少?How much is boarding and lodging a diy?