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承顺者未必是忠诚。Subservience is not loyalty.

他要求完全的忠诚。He demands exclusive loyalty.

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路得对婆婆的忠诚并不耀目。Ruth's loyalty is not glamorous.

就象那春蚕献出一生的忠诚。As spring gave the lifetime loyalty.

为了提高团队的认同和忠诚度。B. To enhance team buy-in and loyalty.

他声言忠于自己的国家。He affirmed his loyalty to his country.

他宣布向自己的国家效忠。He declared his loyalty to his country.

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缔结盟约以效忠国王。They covenanted in loyalty to the king.

他们缔结盟约以效忠国王。They covenanted in loyalty to the king.

我们亲如一家永不改变。We the fam and loyalty never change up.

这是我对自己信仰永恒的忠诚。This is my perpetual loyalty to my faith.

就在同时,他也要信守他对其他人的忠诚。But Eragon owes his loyalty to others, too.

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他喜欢他们的坚韧不拔和忠贞不二。He liked their toughness and their loyalty.

但他逐渐培养起员工对苹果非凡的忠诚感。But he grew to elicit extraordinary loyalty.

尊重顾客,态度端正,忠诚。Customer orientation, good manners, loyalty.

你缺乏忠诚,不老实,也没同情心。You lack loyalty , integrity and compassion.

忠实与梦幻,一群坚守岗位的好朋友。Loyalty and dream- an extremely loyal friend.

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在过去的21年里,我找到了情义。Over the last 21 years, I have found loyalty.

正是这种高尚的忠诚品质成就了邦德的优秀。Such magnanimous loyalty makes Bond the best.

他所表现出来的忠诚有些过分。He put on so much loyalty that he overdid it.