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这种事情很显然是荒谬的!That sort of thing is plainly absurd.

我说话爽直,千万要请你原谅。Excuse me -- for I must speak plainly.

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你若是基督,就明明的告诉我们。If thou be the Christ, tell us plainly.

你若是基督,就明明地告诉我们。If you are the Christ, tell us plainly.

心里怎么想的就照直说出来好了!Just say out plainly what you're thinking.

他是那种需要有话直说的人。He's the kind of person you have to speak plainly.

元老们显然在担心来自赛尔霍利斯方向的攻击。The triarchs fear an attack upon Selhorys, plainly.

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所有这些配件应清楚易见并易于取得。All fittings shall be plainly visible and accessible.

他停顿了很长时间,显然陷入了沉思。He made a long pause, plainly overcome by the thought.

凡此所言,可视为植物生态学。All this is plainly put it, can be regarded as plant ecology.

开枪的兄弟很明显是个谋杀犯Now, the brother who did the shooting was plainly a murderer.

难道我没有明白地说,加入少许水蛭的汁液就够了吗?Didn't I state plainly that a dash of leech juice would suffice?

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以利户直言神无须向我们解释祂的作为。Elihu said plainly God is not accountable to us for His actions.

即使如此,显然仍需要增税为医疗保健提供资金。Even so, higher taxes will plainly be needed to fund health care.

坦率地说,我还是强烈支持使用变化不多的编程工具。Plainly put, I am strongly in favor of hardcore programming tools.

他的肌肉显然勾画在他的皮肤,但他并没有隆起。His muscles are plainly sketched under his skin, but he isnt bulgy.

他显然由于想到了什么,半响没有说出话来。He made a long pause, plainly overcome by the thought that was in him.

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奥文认为他能够很明白地看出柯帕乌迫在眉睫的灾祸。Owen thought he could see Cowperwood's approaching doom quite plainly.

然而就算没有双谷衰退,美国也并没有做到最好。Yet even without a double dip , America could plainly be doing better.

本厂产品,刻意创新,不用美言,只看事实。The fact tells you plainly that our products sedulously blaze new trails.