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这个小区就像一个迷宫。This neighborhood is like a maze.

穴居沙龟打一个迂曲的地洞。The gopher digs a maze of tunnels.

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他们已经解开了迷宫之谜。They had solved the mystery of the maze.

那她为什么不能有自己的麦田迷宫呢?Why shouldn't Oprah get her own corn maze?

我被奋力拉着穿过布满染缸的曲径。I was tugged back through the maze of vats.

她在迷津中迷失了好几个小时。She was lost in the maze for several hours.

那个向导领我们穿过迷宫般的曲折洞穴。The guide led us through the maze of caves.

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当量的食物从不同的方向运来。The maze of food spreads in all directions.

我弯弯曲曲地穿行迷宫式的狭窄走廊。I twisted through a maze of narrow corridors.

大鼠学习记忆测定在Y型迷宫中进行。Rats were tested in a trisecting, Y type maze.

三等分迷宫试验结果。Results of modified Y maze test were analyzed.

形似帐篷的天花板上隐藏着迷宫似的水管。The tented ceiling hides a maze of water pipes.

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为何你不用迷宫外的那条泥路?Why don't you use the mud road outside the maze?

这是笼罩在中国客车行业中的一个迷局。It's a maze around China's passenger car industry.

我们要找一条路穿过一个复杂的迷宫。We need to find a path through a complicated maze.

街道曲曲弯弯的,把我们弄得迷失了方向。We were quite disorientated by the maze of streets.

当鱼苗长大后,研究小组将这些鱼放入一个迷宫之中。When the fish grew up, the team put them in a maze.

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没有任何指引我们跳出这阴惨的迷津的道路!There is no path to guide us out of this dismal maze.

他的记忆被困在他那奇异的天门阵内。His memory was trapped in his own amazing Sky-Door Maze.

这是一个小的改进版的迷宫游戏。This is a small version of the maze to improve the game.