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我是信息活动分子。I am an information activist.

他们还袭击了一名英国活动分子。They also assaulted a British activist.

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他从来不把自己看着是激进分子。He never considered himself an activist.

博物馆还自认是活跃分子。The museum, too, sees itself as activist.

你不想变成一个为同性恋权益请命的人物。You didn't wat to be a gay rights activist.

而且勒布从一开始就非常激进。And Loeb has gone activist right from the start.

余幼薇是一位学者、作家兼社会活动家。Katrien Jacobs is an academic, author and activist.

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莱茵不仅是一个理论家,也是一个实践家。Lane was not merely a theorist, but an activist as well.

一名活跃分子称,单是Deraa就有18人被杀。An activist says 18 people have been killed in Deraa alone.

卡托是“乌干达性少数派”组织的一名活动人士。Kato was an activist with the group Sexual Minorities Uganda.

马丁。路德。金,美国黑人民权运动领袖。Martin Luther King Jr. African-American Civil Rights activist.

“我说不出话来,”一亲民主活动家告诉半岛电视台。"I am speechless, " one pro-democracy activist told al-Jazeera.

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创建者是活动家李爱芬和历史学家陈国伟。Activist Charles Lai and historian Jack Tchen were its creators.

现在,积极的司法部可能设法要对谷歌再度做同一件事。Now, a newly activist DOJ may try to do the same thing to Google.

梁启超近代中国著名的报刊活动家和政论家。Liang Qichao was a famous activist and statesman in mod ern China.

她现在是华盛顿西雅图市为流浪者积极奔走的人。Now she is an activist for homeless people in Seattle, Washington.

反奴隶制黑人活动家弗雷德里克?道格拉斯赞扬了这首歌曲。The black anti-slavery activist Frederick Douglass praised the song.

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雅虎董事会将面对来自激进投资者勒布的真正考验。The board is going to face a real test from a real activist in Loeb.

彭纪德是一名马来西亚的人权活动人士,他也是净选盟的支持者。Pang Khee Teik is a local human rights activist and Bersih supporter.

尽管离开了白宫,但是她任作为艺术家和政治活动家。Since leaving the White House, she has worked as an artist and activist.