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他建立了凡尔赛宫He goes out and builds Versailles.

凡尔赛宫廷中奢华的生活。The brilliant court life at Versailles.

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这是凡尔赛宫里一个稍简朴的卧房A little modest bedroom there in Versailles.

凡尔赛离巴黎只有十八公里Versailles is only eighteen kilometers away.

政府及其军队溃逃到凡尔塞。The Government withdrew with its troops to Versailles.

我特别喜欢的凡尔赛宫和蒙帕纳斯。I particularly liked the Versailles and the Montparnasse.

刚才的工厂,和这个朴素的凡尔赛建筑相比实在是天差地别How different that is than this modest estate of Versailles.

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我在凡尔赛档案馆的一间破旧小屋里工作过I worked in the archives in Versailles in the small stables.

此后在1978年于法国凡尔赛成立了总部。Later, in 1978, IFLA's Headquarters were established in Versailles.

我们不必过分强调凡尔赛和约的缺陷。We need not overemphasize imperfections in the peace of Versailles.

凡尔赛的迦太基和平毒害了每个人。The Carthaginian peace of Versailles had by then poisoned everything.

他在凡尔赛建了一个巨大,我称之为宏伟的主题公园He builds this big-- I call it a noble theme park, basically, at Versailles.

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我要在凡尔赛宫哪一站下。还有几站呢?I want to get off at the station for Versailles. How many more stations to go?

上午的时候,我们已经结束了埃菲尔铁塔的游览,出发前往凡尔赛宫。By midmorning, we were done with the Eiffel Tower and had set off for Versailles.

除了一次凡尔赛之旅,夏丹一生中从未曾离开过巴黎。Apart from trips to Versailles , Chardin may not have left Paris once in his life.

这次会议就在今年召开,而它的意义能与威斯特伐利亚会议、凡尔赛会议和布雷顿森林会议加在一起相比。This is Westphalia, Versailles and Bretton Woods rolled into one, and it's happening this year.

在10月份的时候,许多巴黎的妇女会步行去凡尔赛迎驾The women of Paris in October, many of them will walk to versailles to bring the king back to Paris.

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我在凡尔赛既然无事可做,就到欧特伊来竭力探听消息。As I had nothing more to do at versailles , I went to Auteuil, and gained all the information I could.

铅作为药膏的一种成分,亦用在凡尔赛宫的胭脂和护肤霜里。Lead was an ingredient in ointments and was used in rouges and skin creams at the court of Versailles.

1919年的凡尔赛合约将原属于德国的殖民地转交于日本。The 1919 Treaty of Versailles handed over control of Germany’s colonial possessions in China to Japan.