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啊,男人的奸诈!Oh, the perfidy of men!

这个人的背信弃义难道永远没有止境吗?。Would the man's perfidy never reach a limit?

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忠心团结爱人,背信弃义疏离朋友。As devotion unites lovers, perfidy estranges friends.

投入使得爱人更亲密,背信能疏远朋友。As devotion unites lovers, so perfidy estranges friends.

他现在已可以断定,她已经得知他是有妇之夫,对于他的欺瞒行为非常生气。He was quite certain now that she knew he was married and was angered at his perfidy.

中国的外交政策一直是一个常常奇怪的组合实用主义和背信弃义。China 's foreign policy has always been an often bizarre mix of pragmatism and perfidy.

背信和欺诈是文明国家的丑行,荒蛮之地的居民则是轻信和暴力。Perfidy and fraud are the vices of civilized nations, credulity and violence those of the inhabitants of the desert.

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官方的新华社在一则评论中,指责力拓短视、充满偏见甚至是“背信弃义”。In an unsigned commentary published by official news agency Xinhua, Rio Tinto was accused of shortsightedness, prejudice and even "perfidy."

一个常见主题是批评西方的背信弃义,特别是美国虚伪的价值观,在国内外事件上奉行双重标准。One common theme is to criticize the perfidy of the West, in particular accusing the United States of hypocrisy and attacking American values on the grounds they are not always upheld in America.

顽固的军事观察家宣称,这是由于中国军队不听美国指导、蒋介石的愚蠢、地方领导人的背信弃义,等等。The hard-boiled military observers declared the reason lay in the refusal of Chinese armies to obey American advice, in the stupidity of Chiang Kai-shek, in the perfidy of local leaders and so on.