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遵守公共秩序。Observe public order.

你必须保持镇静。You must observe calm.

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我们无法看到灵魂We can't observe souls.

这是较容易觉察到的。This is easy to observe.

现在咱来看看形容词。Now observe the Adjective.

观察他们,模仿他们。Observe them. Emulate them.

他开始对万物进行观察。He began to observe everything.

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观察它们是令人痛苦的事。They are anguishing to observe.

谁都应该守法。Everyone should observe the law.

你留在外面负责观察。Do you remain outside and observe.

观察这儿的小块儿。Observe this little piece up here.

我们应该遵守礼节。We should observe the proprieties.

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观察你对痛苦的感情上的依属。Observe the attachment to your pain.

滴些氯仿观察。Titrate some chloroform and observe.

在潍坊,如果您仔细观察。In Weifang, if you observe carefully.

现在你可以自己去观察了。Now you can observe it by yourselves.

注意遵守礼仪。Be careful to observe the proprieties.

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他犀利的双眼能够洞察一切。His sharp eyes can observe everything.

我们所说的这几件事Now, observe several things about them.

我们常常不守自己的福诺。We often do not observe their own Fono.