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充满热情,理想化。Passionate. Idealistic.

当然,那是一个理想境界。Of course, that's the idealistic view.

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理想主义,并有牺牲精神。You are idealistic and self-sacrificing.

这是一对理想主义的美国年轻人。An idealistic American couple—young, in love.

我们明白,我们仍然是一家具有理想主义的公司。We see that we are still a very idealistic company.

薛福成的法律观具有重要思想价值和启迪意义。His idea has high idealistic value and significance.

现在对于你们许多人这种方式似乎很天真,很理想主义。Now to many of you this may sound naive, idealistic.

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放弃不切的空想,将期望变得现实。Change your expectations from idealistic to realistic.

在今天强求教师如此照办,是既脱离实际的,而又不公道的。To ask this of teachers today is both idealistic and unfair.

这可能是理想化的,但是我坚决相信它会是真的。This may be idealistic. However, I firmly believe it to be true.

以上是演说的理想主义部分,是起到作用的。That was the idealistic part of the speech, and it was effective.

目前,延边地区民俗旅游资源开发现状并不理想。The resource development of the folk-custom is not idealistic now.

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比利入我教的四年级班时,我还是初出茅庐,满怀理想的老师。I was a new, idealistic teacher when Billy entered my fourth grade.

堂吉诃德富有理想主义精神和骑士精神,却被认为是疯狂的。Although the idealistic and chivalric Don Quixote is thought to be mad.

阿夫塔卜说,自己成为美国公民后,某些人生目标更带有理想主义色彩。Aftab said that some of his goals as a new American are more idealistic.

最近的严酷现实使她从理想主义的迷梦中清醒过来。The harshness of recent reality disenchanted her of her idealistic hopes.

较年长的母亲往往对身为人母的乐趣过于理想化。Older mothers tend to be too idealistic about the pleasures of motherhood.

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李贽,在中国思想史上是一位富有争议的思想家。Lizhi is a famous controversy ideologist in the Chinese idealistic history.

冷酷的日常现实使他从理想主义的幻梦中清醒过来。The harshness of everyday reality disenchanted him of his idealistic hopes.

即使我最理想主义和自由奔放的朋友都认为我有些发疯。Even my most idealistic and free-spirited friends thought I was a little nuts.