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那条路曲折地伸到山上。The road zigzagged up the hill.

他们在大西洋中作之字形前进。They zigzagged across the atlantic.

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零只班马东倒西歪地进入动物园。Zero zebras zigzagged into the zoo.

公共汽车沿着弯弯曲曲的山路开到了缆车站。The bus zigzagged to the cable station.

道路曲折地穿过群山。The road zigzagged through the mountains.

那个醉汉歪歪倒倒地沿街走去。The drunken man zigzagged down the street.

闪电呈之字形划过教堂的院子。The lightning zigzagged through the church yard.

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潮湿的小径弯弯曲曲,同我儿时的记忆一样。The damp path zigzagged like those of my childhood.

我们的卡车放慢了速度,沿着弯弯曲曲的山路前进。Our lorry eased down and zigzagged along the mountain path.

车子失去了控制,开到了路的斜对面。He lost control of the car and it zigzagged across the road.

钻塔在抽油,输电线纵横交借,四通八达。Oil rigs pumped on it and power lines zigzagged all over it.

车子在人群中拐来拐去拐到了斜街。The vehicle zigzagged in the crowd and finally arrived at a narrow street.

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办公大楼为了配合可用的地皮建造得略呈之字形。The office buildings were slightly zigzagged to fit available ground space.

道路蜿蜒通向远方,擦干泪水,你继续你的旅程。The road zigzagged into the distance, wiping the tears, you continued your journey.

离错层的页岩不远,便是一条通往山谷的蜿蜒小路。Just a short distance beyond the intervening shale, the trail zigzagged down to the valley.

这种锯齿形的平面同时也创造了一系列不受强风侵袭的室外平台。The zigzagged layout also creates a series of outside places sheltered from the strong winds.

尾灯在山上、树木间蜿蜒而行,最后再也看不见了。The tail-lights zigzagged over the hills and through the trees until there was no more to see.

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上船后半小时,我们就起航了,我们经过六天的曲折航行渡过了大洋。Within half an hour we sailed, and for the next six days we zigzagged our way across the ocean.

实际上,所谓的太和峡谷就是一条干涸的、依山蜿蜒曲折的河道。In fact, what is called the gorge means a run dry river course that zigzagged along the mountain.

回廊曲折,庭院深深,体现了民居和自然的和谐之美。Meanwhile the zigzagged corridor and deep courtyard demonstrate the harmony between the residence and nature.