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简单的双循环链表的实现。Simple doubly linked list implementation.

刚开始时甚至大小便失禁,但是现在已经不会了。At first she was doubly incontinent, not now.

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他说,因此氯吡格雷的益处可能也是双重性的。So clopidogrel could be doubly beneficial, he says.

也就是说,人对犯罪行为的发生具有双重影响。Videlicet, human affects the happening of crime doubly.

“对她来说,风险是双倍的高”,德雷克-朱伯特说。"For her, the stakes were doubly high, " says Dereck Jouter.

你会感觉受到了双重侮辱,所以会无情地反击。You feel doubly affronted, so you strike back, " Turkle says."

并且当你现在的投资者没有支持力的时候情况将会变得很糟。And this is doubly hard when your existing investor isn’t supportive.

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而使我感到倍加幸运的是,他既是我的父亲,也是我的老师。I was also doubly blessed that he was both my fa-ther and my teacher.

倒向重随机微分方程是由E。Backward doubly stochastic differential equation was introduced first by E.

盗号书现象是近年来图书馆接受赠书时发现的一种新情况。Doubly numbered books are a new phenomenon of donated books in the library.

因为高个子约翰·希尔弗既邪恶又迷人,所以他才让人更觉害怕。Long John Silver is doubly frightening because he is both evil and charming.

一个是使用单向和双向链表的非弟归算法,一个使用数组。Each one non-recursive for single and doubly linked lists, and one for Arrays.

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我深爱着这世界,因为陪伴着每一种恐惧是双倍的奇迹。I love this world, where every horror is matched by something doubly wondrous.

具有这种性质的晶体叫做双折射晶体。Crystals having this property are said to be doubly refracting, or birefringent.

然后建立了电励磁双凸极发电机的一般数学模型。Thirdly, build the mathematic model of Doubly Salient Electro-Magnetic Generator.

描述了一个三扇形磁铁消色差磁偏转系统。A doubly achromatic magnetic deflection system with three sector magnet is described.

如果你生日在12月31日附近,这个月蚀将会有两倍强力的力道。If you were born on or near December 31, that eclipse would have been doubly powerful.

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原始计时器实现只是按照过期顺序将计时器实现双重链接。The original timer implementation simply kept timers doubly linked in expiration order.

超级天使投资别人的钱这一事实使得他们对风投们拉响了双重警报。The fact that super-angels invest other people's money makes them doubly alarming to VCs.

考虑到民主党似乎满不在乎的把美联储政治化,这确实是令人担心的。It is doubly worrying given the Democrats' seeming insouciance about politicising the Fed.