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盾牌猛击。Shield Slam ftl.

我有铁窗门做盾。I have a screen-door shield.

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他是我们的帮助者和保护者。He is our help and our shield.

这就是盾牌的功用That's what your shield is for.

当我的镜子,长剑和盾。Be my mirror my sword and shield.

化作明镜、剑与盾,守卫我身!Be my mirror my sword and shield.

那就是你必须丢掉你的盾逃跑You got to drop your shield and run.

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尽量把你的盾牌举高。Raise your shield as high as you can.

弗雷德里克迫不及待的第一个呈上他的礼物——金盾。First, Frederick presented the shield.

消音器安装于加热保护罩内部。The muffler is inside the heat shield.

它可以刺透任何盾。My spear could stab through any shield.

你不能把她们瞒在鼓里,亨利。You can’t shield them from this, Henry.

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盾分为4个等分。Shield divided into four equal portions.

士兵用盾牌来保护那部分身体Your shield should cover that territory.

老卡皇GSKY没有加装屏蔽层。GSKY the old card did not install shield.

他对法庭说谎以包庇自己的朋友。He lied to the court to shield his friend.

从下行管拆卸排气隔热罩。Remove exhaust heat shield from down pipe.

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用软布抹拭清洁防护罩。To mop and clean shield with a soft cloth.

盾象征着凯迪拉克军队的英勇善战。Shield Cadillac symbolizes the heroic army.

举例来说防战的盾猛就会未命中。Prot warriors for example miss Shield Slams.