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他后来将儿子逐出家门。He turned his son adrift later.

两个澳大利亚人乘一艘救生船漂流在海上。Two Aussies are adrift in a lifeboat.

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扔进了尼罗河顺河漂流。Seth set the coffin adrift in the Nile.

一只漂流的船对航行是危险的。A boat adrift is a danger to navigation.

船漂流在茫茫无边的大海上。The ship was adrift on the boundless sea.

满载旅客的船被漂走了。The boat full of passengers was set adrift.

这条船漂流了两天两夜。The boat was all adrift two days and nights.

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这条船漂流了三天三夜。The ship was all adrift three days and nights.

他不会突然一下子被抛弃。That he's not going to suddenly be left adrift.

昨天这艘船的五名军官私自出走。Five of the ship's officers went adrift yesterday.

本书是“鹰系列”丛书的第五本。Eagle Adrift is the fifth book in the Eagle series.

小船漂走了,船上一个人也没有人了。The boat has gone adrift and there is no one board!

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你的笔帽松了,很快就要掉了。The top of your pen is going adrift and will soon fall.

克莱拉居然发现了这个秘密,这使他在心里上有茫然若失的感觉。Clara's discovery of it had set his common sense adrift.

渔夫解开缆绳,让船漂流而去。The fisherman cast off the rope and set the boat adrift.

他以令人惊奇的喜爱任你在世上漂泊。He turns you adrift on the world with surprising alacrity.

在国内,广大的选民浮躁不安,徬徨而无所适从。In the country the vast electorate was restless and adrift.

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噢,的确,我是个最好的伪装者,在属于我的世界里漂流着。Oh, yes, I'm the great pretender adrift in a world of my own.

卫兵命令把难民船驱逐任其在海上漂流。The boat of refugees was turned adrift by order of the guard.

整个森林被这种小小的多刺生物集团占领。Whole forests are set adrift by these spiny little regiments.