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伽利略的毒蛇④弓行盘道。The Galilean serpent④ forth did creep.

彼拉多一听见,就问这人是加利利人吗?On hearing this, Pilate asked if the man was a Galilean.

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本周,您能亲眼目睹加利略卫星。This week you can see the Galilean satellites for yourself.

彼拉多一听见、就问这人是加利利人麽。When Pilate heard it, he asked whether the man was a Galilean.

电磁理论不遵守伽利略相对性。Electromagnetic theory does not conform to Galilean relativity.

现在是耶稣开始他伟大的加利利人传道的时候了。Now it was time for Jesus to begin his great Galilean ministry.

木星的四个主要卫星也称伽利略星非常容易观测到。Jupiter's four major moons – called the Galilean moons – are pretty easy to see.

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本文提出了一种新颖的柱面伽里略透射望远系统。In this paper, a new cylindric transmission Galilean telescopic system is presented.

伽氏无焦系统的筒长与视场之间存在反比律关系。The tube-length is inversely proportional to viewing field-angle Galilean non-Pow-er.

这是弥尔顿在第109行提到的一个人物9,耶稣基督的十二门徒之一。This is the figure that Milton refers to in line 109 as the Pilot of the Galilean Lake.

这是根据伽利略变换的概念,并参考框架。This is the basis of the Galilean transformation, and the concept of frame of reference.

计算表明,潮汐对伽利略卫星的正常重力场影响不大。Calculations suggests that tides raised by Jupiter weakly affect the Galilean satellites.

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像成千上万的加利利朝圣者们一样,耶稣的亲戚们也准备好前往耶路撒冷。Like thousands of other Galilean pilgrims, Jesus' relatives were preparing for the trip to Jerusalem.

这可能代表了伽利略的形式表达,若有的话,将所有的更多证据。This may represent the Galilean form of the expression, and, if so, would be all the more evidential.

在激光系统中,伽里略球面透镜扩束器已得到广泛地应用,但是,它有许多不足之处。Galilean beam expander with spherical lens is widely used in laser systems, but It has a lot of deficiency.

木星的伽利略卫星在本影像中可见,就在木星附近几个一丁点大的光点。Jupiter's Galilean moons are just visible in this photo as tiny pinpricks of light very near the bright planet.

有法利赛人和教法师,他们从加利利各乡村和从遥远的耶路撒冷赶来的,为的是听耶稣讲道,看看耶稣。Pharisees and Scribes from various Galilean towns and from far away Jerusalem had traveled to hear and see him.

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结果表明,外场趋于使生长表面平滑并且不破坏伽利略不变性。The result shows that the external field tends to smoothen the interface and does not break the Galilean invariance.

寻找行星两端的四颗伽利略卫星,注意他们如何一夜又一夜的改变它们的方位。Look for the four Galilean moons either side ofthe planet to and notice how they change their position night after night.

过了不久,旁边站著的人又对彼得说,你确是属他们的,因为你也是加利利人。And after a little while, those standing by again said to Peter, Surely you are one of them, for you are a Galilean as well.