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我们是社会主义政权。we were under a communist regime.

这个反共产主义战士问道。the communist resistance fighter asks.

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共产中国海豹突击队是新的神风特工队啊!The communist Chines SEAL's are the new Kamikaze.

我想去建设中国的共青城。I want to construct the China communist youth city.

第二年他入了党。In the following year he joined the Communist Party.

两国都爆发过共产主义革命,对吧They had a communist revolution in both places, right?

党的革命理论是我们前进的锐利武器!Communist Party Revolution theory is our mighty weapon!

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他批评我以后,我痛改前非。Communist must be bold in criticism and self-criticism.

共产法则就是非占有的生存法则。The communist principle is non-possessive living principle.

庆祝中国共-产-党成立90周年!Celebrate the Communist Party of China established 90 years!

也不知算是好事还是坏事,据说现在连党也想加入了。Now, for good or for ill, even the Communist party wants in.

共产世界的老年人同样充满天年的生活乐趣。Old age is also full of life pleasure in the communist world.

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党的标语被换了下来,代之以俗气的宣传。The Communist shoutings are not dhave, or gaudy advertising up.

在很短时期中,他成长为一名伟大的共产产义战士。In a short period of time he grew into a great communist fighter.

他认为昆明市委书记仇和是典型的代表。He cited Kunming's Communist Party Secretary Qiu He as an example.

段祥铮对那类仪式却不以为然。Mr. Duan, the Communist Party official, dismisses the crying rites.

不过,党内官员的腐败现象依然屡见不鲜。Corruption among Communist party officials is still common, however.

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内容提要党的建设是一个系统的伟大工程。It is a systematic project of communist party construction in China.

因此,共产道学的道学基础是太极道学。Therefore, the Daoist basis of the Communist Daoism is Taiji Daoism.

三要学习党的方针政策。Third, study the principles and policies of China's Communist Party.