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我建起巨大的石棺。I build massive sarcophagi.

红色花岗岩是常用的官员在底比斯为石棺高。Red granite was commonly used in Thebes for the sarcophagi of high officials.

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有石棺,还有金字塔和雕像上的各种石头。So with sarcophagi and just like, different stones from the pyramids and statues.

考古团队还发现了两具保存完好的白色石灰石棺椁和四口木制棺材。The team also found two sarcophagi of fine white limestone and four wooden coffins.

这是一座建造于公元前五世纪的皇家墓室,里面有18尊雕刻精美庄严肃穆的大理石棺。These turned out to be a royal tomb containing 18 magnificent marble sarcophagi dating back to the fifth century BC.

阴影遮盖了一排排机器,仅有的光来自聚集在中间的逃生舱般的石棺。Shadows shrouded rows of squat machines, and the only light came from eight podlike sarcophagi clustered in the center.

模块被设计成墨西哥死亡崇拜的石棺和博物馆展览橱窗。The modules are designed to evoke both sarcophagi – a nod to Mexico's death cults – and vitrines used to display objects in museums.

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考古学家们至今只打开了一个石棺——并且在里面发现了一个木乃伊。Archaeologists so far have opened only one of the sarcophagi — and found a mummy inside of it, said Hawass' assistant, Abdel Hakim Karar.

一位用化学药物治疗脑病的50多岁的加州冲浪者坚持认为,在玛雅金字塔的石棺下面发现了7英尺高的外星人。A mid-50s Californian surfer with chemically recalibrated brain insisting that 7ft aliens had been discovered in sarcophagi beneath Mayan pyramids.

当我们想到入图特王时期的富人,以及埃及金字塔的神秘时,我们就能想象文学界称为"sarcophagi”的那些巨大石棺。When we think about the riches of King Tut and the mysteries of the Egyptian pyramids we can imagine those big stone coffins that the literati call sarcophagi.

奥斯曼帝国苏丹阿卜杜勒?哈米德二世下令发掘这些文物,它们被装上火车运到地中海沿岸,在那里这些石棺被装船运到伊斯坦布尔。The Ottoman sultan, Abdul Hamid II, ordered the sarcophagi exhumed, placed on rails and carried down to the Mediterranean coast, where they were sent by ship to Istanbul.

墙壁两侧和石棺上的雕刻文字都同样详尽地叙述了古埃及人对于人死后来生的认识以及他们严格的社会等级结构。Carvings on both walls and sarcophagi alike outline in great detail how the ancient Egyptians perceived life after death as well as their stringent hierarchal social structure.

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塔哈尔卡引进更多的埃及元素的墓葬,如木乃伊,棺木和原籍埃及石棺,以及提供的数字舍卜提。Pyramidia Taharqa introduced more Egyptian elements to the burial, such as mummification , coffins and sarcophagi of Egyptian origin, as well as the provision of shabti figures.