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可是练习场上,达夫早早地跛着退出了。But in training Duff limps out early.

达芙将于10月5日开始她的“绯闻”之旅。Duff begins her "Gossip" arc on Oct. 5.

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达夫随爱尔兰客场2-0轻取法罗群岛。Ireland and Duff win 2-0 in the Faroe Islands.

一个儿子整个夏季都在工作而另一个无所事事。One worked all summer and the other sat on his duff.

我那份改头换面的成绩单,并没有引起商学院的疑虑。My duff transcript did not faze the schools I applied to.

蛋糕王牌大明星达夫高盛是情侣对表。Ace of Cakes star Duff Goldman was a couple of tables away.

最初派遣了蹩脚的领导人去那里运作警力不足的警察特派团。Duff leaders were sent at first to run the inadequate police mission.

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“达夫家饰”,设计属于你的品味生活。"Duff home decoration" , The design belongs to you to savor the life.

这辆旧汽车那么破裂,想把它翻新是不可能的。The old car was so cracked that it would have been impossible to duff it.

强盗中的两人威胁目击者说,如果他去报警就狠揍他。Two of the robbers threatened to duff the witness up if he went to the police.

罗本同样也负伤很长一段时间,杜夫的肩膀也出现伤痛。We had Robben injured for a long period and Duff for the first part with his shoulder.

他知道自己会与科尔、阿延-罗本及戴米恩-达夫竞争上岗。He knows he is going to be competing for places with Cole, Arjen Robben and Damien Duff.

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希拉里达芙和林赛洛韩被确认将一起出演一部影片。Former ennemies Hilary Duff and Lindsay Lohan are set to star, together, in the same movie!

半腐层和深层可燃物干燥状况的增加,会加大火灾控制和火场清理的难度。In addition, the duff fuel-dryness severity increased fire control and mop-up difficulties.

有图有真相!快来看希拉里达芙和新婚丈夫曲棍球运动员迈克·考姆瑞的婚礼抢鲜报道!Check out these first look wedding pictures of Hilary Duff and pro hockey player Mike Comrie!

达夫是个公认的下三滥、骗子,小偷小摸是家常便饭。Duff is an accepted below 3 excessive, cheater, thief is little feeling is common occurrence.

然而令人震惊的是,放款损失备抵以及失信之间的比例达到了十五年来的最低。Alarmingly, the ratio of loan-loss provisions to duff credit is at its lowest level in 15 years.

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麦莉和希拉里·达芙以及泰勒斯威夫特在她们的全身黑色的行头里添加了彩色的大方格丝巾。Miley Cyrus, Hilary Duff and Taylor Swift spice up their all-black looks with bold plaid scarves.

莫莉·达夫揉着自己的肚子,很想把它们都吃掉,可是皮威童子军马上就要把它们卖掉了。Molly Duff rubs her stomach. She´d like to eat them, but the Pee Wee Scouts are going to sell them.

达芙还有个大她两岁的姐姐海莉,姐姐是在幼儿园开始表演和演唱的,她激励了妹妹的整个童年。Duff had an older sister named Haylie, who is two years older. Sister Haylie started acting and singing in preschool.