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我想,这表示我们无形的思想导引着真实的人生。The real life is guided by our incorporeal intellection.

关于艾露恩,是一个没有物质形态的精神存在。A powerful and spiritual deity , she is fundamentally an incorporeal being.

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关于一个11或者更高的结果,非物质的动物通常参加损害。On a result of 11 or higher, the Incorporeal creature takes damage normally.

他们似乎有一种力量能触摸到无形的和看到不可见的东西。They seemed to have the power to touch the incorporeal and see the invisible.

与此同时,他教导相当明确的资产性质的灵魂。At the same time, he teaches fairly explicitly the incorporeal nature of the soul.

因为他给出的例子具有欺骗性,将肉体与非物质进行了揉合。Because he is giving an example of an abusive word, the combination of body and an incorporeal.

因此,灵魂本身可能是无形的,但需要一个机构作为其存在的条件。Thus the soul may itself be incorporeal and yet require a body as a condition of its existence.

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知识产权是一种新型的民事权利,是一种有别于财产所有权的无形财产权。It is a civil right of new type, and an incorporeal property right which is different from property right.

潜伏者的下一次攻击可以伤害虚体生物,仿佛她的武器有幽影打击的能力。The lurks next attack can strike incorporeal creatures, as if her weapon had the ghost touch special ability.

空间的划分有使用的具体要求,更有灵魂所追求的愉悦感受。Of the space differentiate have use particular demand, what have incorporeal place pursuit more is cheerful experience.

无形资产是现代企业经营活动必不可少的一种重要资源。Incorporeal property is a kind of indispensable important resource in the management activity of contemporary enterprises.

有形的实体有属于他们的方法,而无形的实体则有不同的方法。He participates in being and in well-beingbutcommunicates only well-being, corporeal substance in one way, incorporeal in another.

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但我认为尼采反对两元论,的两方,已无物质实体,胜于非物质的心灵。But really I think Nietzsche rejects both sides of the duality. There's no merely material body any more than there's an incorporeal mind.

工业文明的喧嚣使传统手工逐渐成为了稀缺资源,不少技艺已经成为了非物质文化遗产。The din of industrial civilization makes the traditional handicrafts become rare resources. Many techniques are incorporeal heritages at present.

随着经济、科技的发展,企业无形资产的数量、性质、地位、作用不断变化。With the development of economy, science and technology, the quantity, nature, position and role of enterprises' incorporeal asset change gradually.

在这个错落有致的空间里面,蓝色、黄色成为主要的色调,深深浅浅的色彩成为灵魂的载体。In this strewn at random have the space that devote inside, blue, yellow is become main tonal, the color with deep light depth becomes incorporeal carrier.

良好的政府形象是一个政府所拥有的重大资源和无形财富,也是政府作用有效发挥的一个重要前提条件。A good government image is a rich resource and incorporeal property owned by a government. It's an essential prerequisite for the government to function efficiently.

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当人们将两个名字合成为一个时,这显然是互相矛盾且不相协调的,好比是非物质的肉体或者非肉体的物质,The,result,is“but,insignificant,sounds”,其造成的结果就是听起来一点意义都没有。When men make a name of two names, whose significant are contradictory and inconsistent, ,as this name an incorporeal body or which is all one an incorporeal substance.

的男人,品位是由内涵而外露的气质,也是人格魅力,更是层次,是男人最基本的也是最核心的,最灵魂的也是最为人性的。CF men's taste is implied but exposed temperament, and also a personality charm and a symbol of position. It is the most fundamental, essential, incorporeal and humanistic part for men.

特许经营是一种现代商业形式,它的实质是专利、商标、专有技术等无形资产的知识产权的转让。Franchise management is a kind of modern form of commerce. Its essence is the transfer of knowledge property right of incorporeal assets such as the patent, trademark and special technology.