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他无法持续地狱火超过连续3轮。He cannot maintain inferno for more than 3 consecutive rounds.

地狱猫一点一点地包围他们,逼他们退入烈焰当中。Hellcats hemmed them in at every turn, forcing them back into the inferno.

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可怖的风敲击着驾驶室,使53英尺的拖车摇动起来。Wind from the inferno shook the cab and caused the 53-foot trailer to sway.

窗户上装着铁栏杆,只留下一道门让人逃离这座地狱。The windows had iron bars on them leaving only one door to escape the inferno.

世界之窗餐厅70多名雇员和100多名顾客葬身于火海之中。More than 70 employees and 100 customers of Windows on the World died in the inferno.

对0码范围内的所有敌人造成75000到85000点火焰伤害,并刷出一个地狱火。Deals 75000 to 85000 Fire damage to enemies within 0 yards and spawns a Living Inferno.

但四十五亿年前,在我们的星球诞生时,它只不过是一个炽热炼狱。But four-and-a-half billion years ago, when our planet was born, it was just a molten inferno.

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迦顿男爵使用地狱火将所有近身攻击者驱赶到90码外的安全区域。Baron Geddon then uses inferno to drive away nearby attackers, to the safe distance of 90 feet.

监控录像拍到了一个无耻的恶棍点燃塞尔弗里奇专卖店、引发商业街大火的画面。A brazen thug is caught on camera torching a Miss Selfridge store and causing a High Street inferno.

在战场的其他地方,米莉娅的部队正忙着自己对付从下方火海地狱中出现的因维机甲。Elsewhere in the field, Miriya's team was holding its own against the mecha born in that inferno below.

透纳当时和许多其他人一样火速赶到现场观看泰晤士河岸的熊熊烈火。Turner had rushed to the scene along with hundreds of others to see the inferno on the banks of Thames.

在战场上,魔族部队因其神经质的残忍而闻名,无论是在力量还是魔法领域。On the battlefield, Inferno troops are famous for their insane brutality in both the might and magic fields.

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要是我真的看见一场大火灾,我要让所有的人全都死光。But I just want you to know, that if I ever do spot a towering inferno , I'm just gonna let those people die.

一条等离子射线喷射在他们身后一百米处――地狱般的冲击波翻卷着径直向他的小队扑来。A line of plasma erupted a hundred meters behind them—an inferno that billowed and blossomed straight toward his team.

黑色层也可能表明该事件引发了一系列的森林火灾造成的跨大陆地狱。The black layer may also indicate that the event set off a series of forest fires resulting in a cross-continent inferno.

7月17日,中国,大连,消防队员战斗在爆炸引起的熊熊大火的港口。Firefighters on July 17 stream toward an inferno raging in the wake of oil pipeline explosions at a port in Dalian, China.

龙的回合,他先爆出一团地狱之火,让25尺里的PC暖暖身——你没看错,这是自由动作。On the dragon's turn, the first thing it does is burst out in an inferno of flame, searing every PC within 25 feet—a free action.

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澳大利亚严重的森林大火已致近百人死亡,大火吞噬了城镇并且烧毁了至少700间房屋。Australia's deadliest bushfire has killed nearly 100 people, as the inferno engulfed entire towns and destroyed at least 700 homes.

午夜过后她用黑假腿一动不动地站在那儿,身后是一条小胡同,里面像一座地狱一样灯火通明。After midnight she stands there in her black rig rooted to the spot. Back of her is the little alleyway that blazes like an inferno.

它具有一个持久的和非常低的维修轴驱动系统的开发在六方次世界冠军地狱场外道路底盘。It features a durable and very low-maintenance shaft-drive system developed in the six-time World Champion Inferno off-road chassis.