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实验室里的工作味同嚼蜡翻来复去。Lab work is dull and repetitious.

我删掉它是因为它重复了。I crossed it out BECause it was repetitious.

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我删掉它是它重复了。I crossed it out because it was repetitious.

在一个被重复多次的世界中,一个新鲜的新电子意味着优势。In a repetitious world, a fresh new idea means an advantage.

你是怎样用单一落后的价值观催眠自己的?How are you hypnotizing yourself with outworn repetitious values.

比如说它的文体,其文体是反反复复地重复的。The style,for example, over and over again the style is repetitious.

有很多事情与工作有关的计算机上是重复的。There are many things about working with computers that are repetitious.

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反转座子是植物基因组内含量非常丰富的一类重复序列。Retrotransposon is the most abundant type of repetitious sequence in plant genome.

受控制的、反复的练习,以做为转授或完成一项技术或程序的手段。Disciplined, repetitious exercise as a means of teaching and perfecting a skill or procedure.

我们选择的这些发音反映了婴儿似乎喜欢重复的辅音。We've chosen these terms to mirror the repetitious consonants that babies seem to like so much.

属复式火山锥,为火山多次喷发形成。It belongs to the polymorphous volcanic cones, and is created by repetitious volcanic eruptions.

它的目的是简化包含许多重复文本的程序的维护。Its goal is to simplify the maintenance of programs that contain large amounts of repetitious text.

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并给出一种?着调整时的在线训练算法,避免重复求解凸规划问题。An on-line training algorithm is presented to avoid repetitious solving the convex programming problem.

此种音乐以节奏快而且重复为特色,并深受勃鲁斯和乡村音乐的影响。This music style, featuring fast and repetitious rhythms, was influenced by the blues and country music.

他每周的长篇专栏“实话实说”有时未免有些华而不实、老生常谈,却仍有千百万人阅读。His long, weekly editorial "Frankly Speaking" though sometimes turgid and repetitious is read by millions.

每个人都有自己的学习方式,看、听或者不断的练习。Each one of us has their own approach of learning, either learning visually, auditory or through repetitious means.

它让我们了想起了同样也很出色的StubleUpon视频页面,但是Reddit的要更及时,内容的重复性以及广告要更少。It's reminiscent of the excellent StumbleUpon Video but more timely, less repetitious and less full of commercials.

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红色毛织品采用了媒染、复染工艺,绿色毛织品由蓝色与黄色套染而成。Red woollen were of mordant dye or repetitious dye. And green woollen were chromatically dyed by blue and yellow color.

在重复、没希望的规律下面是一段失望史,造成的是在她一生中关键的男人们。Behind this repetitious and unpromising pattern lay a history of disappointment at the hands of the key men in her life.

第一、那种大批量且重复操作的任务,占据操作工人大量时间,并由此造成枯燥乏味的痛苦。High-volume jobs that dominate one press brake operator's time and create a painfully repetitious task for that employee.