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然后用电钻在槽口处打孔。Be in stiletto in notch with electric drill next.

雕孔绣花,匹长百米!Over 100 meters piece length stiletto embroidery!

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并运用这种方法对自动打孔装订机进行了深入地分析。And this method is used to analyze the auto stiletto and binding machine.

换掉浅口鞋,穿上高跟鞋、金属色凉鞋或及膝长靴。Swap your pumps for stiletto heels, metallic sandals, or knee-high boots.

战后迅速崛起的半老徐娘,特别喜爱1951年出产之查尔斯。Came of age in PostWar boom typified by 1951 Charles Jourdan stiletto heel.

“这可是好钢啊,”他又重复了一遍,一边端详着那把令人生畏的短刀。That's a good bit of steel, repeated he, examining his formidable stiletto.

在全棉、涤布、麻类、毛料及混纺的雕孔绣花!Our specialty in stiletto embroidery of cotton, polyester, linen, wool fabric and cotton blends!

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手工小厂使用排钻,甚至是手枪钻打孔,尺寸误差较大。Handiwork small plant uses platoon getting, it is handgun getting stiletto even, on size error is bigger.

据英国工会经理们称,由于絔岛桶踩蛩?高跟鞋应该在工作场所受到禁止。Stiletto heels could be banned fromtheworkplace becauseofhealth and safety reasons, according totheTrade Union bosses.

他在帕金的裤子上揩净短剑,擦去手上的血迹,这是一种脏活。He cleaned his stiletto on parkin's trousers, and wiped the ocular liquid from his hands. it had been a messy business.

她穿着一双黑色的细高跟鞋,还有一双深色的长袜和一条闪闪发光的短裙。She wore black stiletto heels, dark stockings, a short, flared skirt, and a tight-fitting blouse with a plunging neckline.

我公司生产的全棉、棉涤、棉锦、锦棉弹力和无弹染色布、色织布在同行业中享有开发力强、产品质量优质的美誉度。Our specialty in stiletto embroidery of cotton, polyester, linen and cotton blends. We can make over 100 meters piece length.

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英国工会的领导们认为,基于健康和安全方面的原因,工作场所应该禁穿“斗零”高跟鞋。Stiletto heels could be banned from the workplace because of health and safety reasons, according to the Trade Union bosses.

你卖经典的牛仔长靴、细跟长靴、女士长靴么?Do you offer traditional cowboy boots, stiletto cowboy boots, toddler cowboy boots, suede cowboy boots or women's cowboy boots?

后来警察在劳埃德受雇的印刷厂的一个暗门后面,发现了藏着的100多双细高跟鞋。Police later found more than 100 pairs of stiletto shoes hidden behind a trap door at the printing works where he was employed.

在2006年一个臭名昭著的案件中,一名杭州女子将她用锥形鞋跟将小猫踩死的视频放到网上。In one infamous case in 2006, a woman from Hangzhou posted a video of herself stomping a kitten to death with her stiletto heels.

据美国运输安全局日前表示,一名女乘客因携带一双枪支和弹药造型的高跟鞋过安检被拦。Officials say a woman was stopped by airport security Sunday because she was carrying a pair of gun-shaped stiletto high heels in her bag.

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当我们我们的脚滑匕首凉鞋带子把那些下台,他说,我们的体重是保护引发现场,我们有少。When we slip our feet into those strappy stiletto sandals and step down, he says our weight is thrown on the spot where we have less protection.

年轻女娃儿们穿着高跟鞋竞相沿着阿姆斯特丹著名的时尚街赛跑。要是赢得了这次年度比赛的冠军的话,便可获得15,000美元来大购特购一番。Young women ran down Amsterdam's famed fashion street in stiletto heels. That's because the winner of annual race got 15,000 dollars for a shopping spree.

利用高速辅助气流吹除熔融或汽化的材料,形成切口或孔径称为激光切割和激光打空。High-speed assistant airflow blows the melted or boiled materials in order to form incision or aperture, which is defined laser incision or laser stiletto.