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那只熊因为缺少锻炼而越来越肥了。That bear grows tubby without exercise.

于是拉拉让迪西坐在她的座位上。So Laa-Laa let Dipsy sit on her tubby seat.

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我一定乐意和法兹、塔比一起去找食物。I will be glad to go and find food with Fuzzy and Tubby.

一只熊,不论它怎么努力最终还是会长的矮矮胖胖的。A bear, however hard he tries, grows tubby without exercise.

一天,塔比和法兹要去森林深处寻找食物。One day, Tubby and Fuzzy went deep into the forest to find food.

可能会有个位置留给特比――迈克尔。巴拉克的助理教练。There could be a role for Tubby as Michael Ballack's assistant coach.

桑普森的儿子,拉尔夫-桑普森三世,目前是在明尼苏达大学塔比-史密斯手下打球。His son, Ralph Sampson III is playing for the Minnesota Golden Gophers under Tubby Smith right now.

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“我想看到图比史密斯,里克皮蒂诺,汤姆艾佐,罗伊威廉姆斯和比利多诺万,”ESPN的大卫索普谈道。"I would love to see Tubby Smith, Rick Pitino, Tom Izzo, Roy Williams or Billy Donovan, " says ESPN's David Thorpe.

“我们在哪儿?”他问最初同他说话的幼熊,一个桶状身材的男性少年,毛皮上有着高亮的条纹。"Where are we?" he asked the first cub who had spoken to him, a tubby little male with streaked highlights in his pelt.

我想我会选择睡觉,那样就看不到格兰特被另一个胖的像水桶的家伙比下去。I think I better try for a comatose state so I do not have to watch Grant being outsmarted by the tubby of all teletubbies.

真的,我十分希望贝尼特斯能自始至终贯彻他的杯赛模式,并且在周三的联赛杯四分之一赛上认认真真比上一场。Indeed, I fully expect Tubby Benítez to go into his Cup mode and name a serious side for Wednesday's Carling Cup quarter final.

而特比会有一个特殊任务,就是教会巴拉克如何像杰拉德那样到飞奔,装出很忙的样子。仅此而已。Tubby could be tasked with a special mission to spur Ballack to run around looking busy like Ickle Stevie, but that's about it.

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去年最佳教练的奖项颁给了穆帅,他在最后的投票中超过贝尼特斯。The award for best coach was given to José Mourinho last year, when he overtook Tubby Benitez in the last straight of the voting.

盖达尔身形矮胖,带有一种讽刺和自嘲式的幽默感,是他所在派别居于主导地位的思想家和天生的领袖。Gaidar, a diminutive and tubby figure with a mordant and self-deprecating sense of humour, emerged as the dominant thinker and natural leader of his group.

虽然花园里的其他松鼠都会储存一些坚果作为过冬的粮食,我们这个肥胖的家伙却喜欢一次吃完。While the rest of the squirrels in the garden tend to put a few nuts aside for the winter, this tubby customer clearly believes in eating them all at once.

如果你认为,在剩下的日子里,你即将摄入的猖獗病毒与暴力微生物之间的对决不会打断你的食欲,然后什么都不会发生,只会肥胖。If thinking about the rampant virus vs. microbe violence you're about to ingest doesn't put you off eating for the rest of the day then nothing will, tubby.

飞机的所有主要的部件位于桶状机身的前部,燃料箱和可收放的起落架位于飞行员下面。All the main parts of the airplane were located in the front part of the tubby fuselage, the fuel tank and retractable landing gear were right under the pilot.

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有凸缘筒形件是生产中应用较为普遍的一种拉深制件,往往需作多次拉深才能成形,其工艺计算较为复杂。Flange tubby work is widely used in production. It needs drawing several times before it takes shape, and its technique calculating method is quite complicated.

无论是在「矮胖的大号」或是「彼得与狼」里,有时候因着这些故事,让我和姐妹们认识了不同乐器的乐音。Sometimes a narrator told stories or—as in the case of Tubby the Tuba and Peter and the Wolf—introduced my sisters and me to the sounds of different instruments.

尽管这是个毫无疑问的红牌,但饭桶身材的贝尼特斯还是要多嘴两句,这次他扯住不放的是米克尔之前对克劳奇两次无关痛痒的铲球,并没有受到裁判大人的惩罚。Despite it being a crystal clear red card, Tubby Benitez sought to argue that, as a result of two niggling fouls that Mikel made on Crouch, unpunished by the ref.