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诺曼底和溪山。Normandy and Khe Sanh.

在诺曼底参观中世纪城堡和卢瓦尔河谷。Visit medieval castles in Normandy and the Loire Valley.

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诺曼底登陆只是声东击西的阳动。The landing in Normandy is merely a diversionary maneuver.

三件东西代表着诺曼底——法国软乳酪、苹果酒和奶牛。Three things sum up Normandy – Camembert , cider and cows.

诺曼底地区德国海岸炮。German coast artillery in the Pas-de-Calais, Normandy area.

斯堪的纳维亚人在第9世纪侵略了当代的诺曼底。The Vikings invaded present-day Normandy in the 9th century.

冰况在靠近诺曼底处将不会改变。Ice situation not expected to change in area around Normandy.

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诺曼底登陆65年后,二战退伍军人回到诺曼底。World War II veterans return to Normandy 65 years after D-Day.

我们在1947年来到诺曼地,并且看到了海滩上那些障碍物。We visited Normandy in 1947 and saw the spiders along the shore.

这个墓碑来源于诺曼底,一个英国军官。It's a tombstone in Normandy from a British Army Officer's grave.

诺曼底的另一个新核电站似乎也面临同样的问题。A second new plant in Normandy appears to be experiencing similar problems.

然后从奥尔良一路向北前往沙特尔,到达诺曼底海滩回到家中。From Orléans we would push north for Chartres, the Normandy beaches and home.

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1204年,法国士兵突袭了这座城堡,结束了英国在诺曼底的统治。In 1204 French soldiers storming the castle broke England's grip on Normandy.

确保诺曼底第六关中前线的调车场不会在被摧毁后消失。Ensured that the forward Motorpool Normandy M06 does not disappear when destroyed.

第二个神奇的旅程便是乘火车到达在圣米歇尔山的诺曼底海岸。For another magical ride, take a train to the Normandy coast at Mont Saint Michel.

在U艇被打败之前,诺曼底登陆行动将是不可能进行的。Until the U-boats were defeated, the Normandy invasion would have been impossible.

我宣誓忠于在诺曼底登陆时丧身泥泞杀场的战士,因为有他们我才得以自由。I pledge allegiance to the boys who died in the mud at Normandy so I could be free.

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它坐落在诺曼底和布列塔尼之间的一片岩石区域上,俯瞰着港湾。The castle sits on a rocky area between Normandy and Brittany, overlooking the bay.

诺曼底登陆是一次经典的现代空军和陆军的联合作战。Normandy was the classic example of modern combined arms, air-land, coalition warfare.

至于他个人参与第二次世界大战,因为诺曼第登陆成功,赢得一枚铜星勋章,和一份采访德军战俘的工作。His own war led to a bronze star won in Normandy and a job interviewing defeated Germans.