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老挝应该是最容易到达的。Laos should be the easiest stretch.

胡主席访问老挝的时间是19日到20日。President Hu will visit Laos from 19th to 20th.

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该产品由老挝红酸枝精雕而成。This product becomes by a Laos red acid vulture.

中国和老挝直到1988年才恢复邦交正常化。China and Laos did not normalize ties until 1988.

分布于南中国、越南、缅甸及寮国。Occurs in southern China, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos.

该产品由老挝红酸枝精雕而成。This product becomes by a Laos red acid fine vulture.

一条新的道路,终将连起中国和泰国——经过老挝。A new road will eventually link China with Thailand via Laos.

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一群水牛正在老挝的一条乡村泥路上往前冲。A herd of water buffalo charges down a dirt road in rural Laos.

今年六月,老挝总理波松访问缅甸。In June, the Laos Prime Minister Bouasone Bouphavanh visited Burma.

老挝则强调所有被遣返的难民都将会得到妥善安置。Laos has insisted that all who return will be resettled peacefully.

在越南和老挝,他有好几次都险些坠入陡峭的峡谷。He nearly fell down steep ravines several times in Vietnam and Laos.

老挝国会将为增进老中友谊继续作出努力。Laos will continue to make efforts to enhance Laos-China friendship.

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他说,他会在某一天和他的家人重返寮国。He also said he would like to return to Laos one day with his family.

就在未来的一星期内,寮国和新加坡这两国都要进行选举。Within a week of each other, Laos and Singapore both had polling day.

马福站在他的临时帐篷前面拍照留念。Fom Mua stands in his temporary camp in the mountainous jungles of Laos.

当月老挝报道称,偷猎老虎的行径仍没有得到遏制。Reports the same month from Laos revealed the ongoing poaching of tiger.

在老挝北部,有着多种不同语言的部落。Mountain tribes of mixed ethnolinguistic heritage are found in northern Laos.

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她的动作和我见到过的老挝国女人们一样悠闲和可爱。She moved with the same ease and loveliness I often saw in the women of Laos.

中方已要求泰国、缅甸和老挝三国协助尽快查清情况。China has asked Thailand, Myanmar and the Laos to assist in verifying the case.

他还跨越了边境到寮国弘教,而且也在那儿建立了禅修中心。He also crossed the border to Laos and built a meditation center there as well.