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他打到二垒手位置的滚地球。He grounded to the second baseman.

一垒手出局了15次。The first baseman made 15 putouts.

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第一守垒员被球队开除了。The first baseman was dumped from the team.

他一个快投把球传给了一垒手。He gave the ball a shy to the first baseman.

第三守垒员做了许多非凡的阻止。The third baseman made some remarkable stops.

第三垒守垒员做了一些不可思议的拦截。The third baseman made some remarkable stops.

投手左边的那个是三垒手。The man over to the left is the third second baseman.

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他会在生涯中首次担任一垒手的工作吗?Is he actually going to become a first-time first baseman?

那个二垒守垒员每场比赛前都要磨尖他的鞋钉。The second baseman sharpened his spikes before every game.

他能在别人还没来得及注意到他之前就在守垒员身下安全滑垒了。He can slide to safety under a baseman before he's noticed.

第三名垒手让球从他的两只脚之间滚了已经往。The thellord baseman let the ball roll between hellos feet.

当一垒手丢球时,跑垒员就真的安全了。The runner was called safe when the baseman dropped the ball.

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我读过小波的棒球生涯是从二垒手开始。I've read that Jorge Posada started his career as a second baseman.

现金男最近也说过他不会在市场上找一垒手。Cashman said recently that he is not in the market for a first baseman.

他想象自己是个三垒手,但他的身体有其他想法。He envisioned himself as a third baseman , but his body had other ideas.

王建民从小学四年级开始打棒球,担任过投手、一垒手和外野手。Wang started playing baseball in fourth grade as a pitcher first baseman and outfielder.

“他有著非常难纒的球质”洋基的一垒手开罗说“我不会想面对他。”"He has nasty stuff, ' said Yankees first baseman Miguel Cairo. "I don't want to face him. '

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小王在小学四年级的时候开始接触棒球,担任过投手、一垒手,还有外野手。Wang started playing baseball in fourth grade, as a pitcher, first baseman and outfielder. He.

三垒手向边线跑动,必须将非垂直方向的运动趋势减速。A third baseman running toward the line must eventually decelerate forces that are not vertical.

投手捡起这个没有后劲的地滚球,轻松地把球扔给第一垒上的队友就完结了。The pitcher picked up the soft grounder and could have easily thrown the ball to the first baseman.