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她有体操运动员轻盈而美丽的体态。She has the lithe grace of a gymnast.

是一名俄罗斯的艺术体操运动员。She is a rhythmic gymnast from Russia.

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我是体操运动员,差不多一辈子都是。I was a gymnast for like, my whole life

体操运动员在双杠上摆动身子。The gymnast swung on the parallel bars.

那女子体操运动员平伸双臂。The gymnast extended her arms horizontally.

诺拉是这个国家卓越的体操运动员。Nora was an excellent gymnast in this country.

这位体操选手敢于做惊险的高难度动作。The gymnast dared a breathtakingly difficult move.

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中国的著名选手李小双表现如何?How about Li Xiaoshang, the famous Chinese gymnast?

有个体操运动员正在蹦床上做空翻。A gymnast on the trampoline was turning somersaults.

我那时26岁,作为一名男子体操运动员已经太老了。I was 26 by then -- which is ancient for a male gymnast.

这位体操选手试著保持平衡但还是从平衡木上掉了下来。The gymnast tried to keep her balance but fell off the beam.

她十岁的儿子梦想成为奥运体操运动员的梦想可能会落空。Her 10-year-old son's dreams of being an Olympic gymnast may even be lost.

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那是我"顿悟"的一刻,我认识到"我要当一名体操运动员"。That was the “Aha” moment for me, when I realized, “I want to be a gymnast.”

美国体操选手西蒙·拜尔斯已正式跻身于世界最棒的体操运动员之列。American gymnast Simone Biles is now officially the best gymnast in the world.

美国体操运动员亚历克斯•纳道尔认为这种疗法就像是一种魔法。According to American gymnast Alex Naddour, the therapy works like a magic trick.

拥有运动员背景的彭于晏,看来的确适合扮演体操运动员的角色。Peng, who has a background as a sportsman, certainly seems fit to play a gymnast.

你一定是把著名体操运动员李小双和他的孪生哥哥李大双搞混了。You must have confused famous gymnast Li Xiaoshuang with Li Dashuang, his twin brother.

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这位体操选手未能完成她的动作因而被淘汰了。The gymnast was eliminated from the competition when she failed to complete her routine.

俄国体操运动员阿列克谢•尼莫夫获得6枚奖牌,是1996年奥运会中赢得奖牌最多的选手。Russian gymnast Aleksey Nemov took six medals, the most of any athlete at the 1996 games.

评论员说,这名奥林匹克体操运动员的自由体操的得分不低,但是没有达到拿奖牌的水平。The Olympic gymnast had scored well on her floor exercises, but not enough to earn a medal.